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"Next time I want to do it inside. My butt is freezing." I shivered. I wrapped my coat around me and cursed the cold weather.

"You know what would help? A good spanking." Rob said. He exposed the gap between his teeth with his obnoxious grin.

"It'll cost you extra." I told him. I was bluffing, no way in hell was I into that kinda shit.

"I can't afford that. My parents are already suspicious because I'm always broke." He answered. I guess Rob was as close as I could get to a regular customer. I took his virginity almost a year ago and he stuck around.

"Your mother dearest would get a heart attack if she knew you were fucking your money away." I said with an amused smile on my face.

"She would." Rob breathed a laugh. "I got a question for you." He raked his hand through his ginger hair.

I waited for his question but he just kept looking in any direction but mine. "Shoot." I deadpanned when I was starting to lose my patience.

"I know you fuck for money but would you be interested in earning some money from people who like to ... watch?" He asked hesitantly.

What kind of a stupid question was that? Earning money by not doing anything extra was a no-brainer.

"Of course! Why do you ask?" I was already thinking about how much money I could ask for voyeurs and I mentally slapped myself because I hadn't thought about this earlier.

"I know some kids who aren't quite ready for the real deal but that doesn't mean they're not curious." Rob explained.

"Whoa there, kids? No way." I held my hands in the air. I wouldn't want to expose those innocent minds. If they were really that curious, they could use the internet.

"They're not that young. Maybe twelve or thirteen years old?" Rob said.

"I'll think about it." I said uncomfortably. It really was such a young age but then again they probably had some money they could spare. I was definitely gonna talk about this with Dean.

"Sure, just let me know. Wanna share a spliff?" He asked me while rummaging through his pockets.

"No, I should get going. See you later." I said and started to head home.

"Bye. Shit!" I heard Rob curse behind me. When I looked I noticed he'd dropped his joint. I shook my head while suppressing a smile. He'd put me in a good mood.

On my way home I walked by a small coffee shop with big windows. I always looked through the windows to see a group of friends or lovers sit in a booth together, enjoying their hot cups of coffee and sometimes a slice of pie. It looked like heaven on earth.

My jaw dropped when I noticed something. I ran inside towards the man sitting by the window. He looked around sixty years old and was enjoying his coffee in peace while reading the paper.

"Excuse me, can I borrow that?" I pointed at the newspaper. The man looked up at me with a surprised expression on his face.

"Sure." He handed me the paper. I ran outside after a quick 'thank you' and kept up the fast pace until I got home.

"Dean, check this out!" Was the first thing I said when I burst through the door, panting. Dean hardly looked up at me.

"Have you see- What happened?" I asked when I noticed he was tending a wound. He was dabbing a cotton pad against his lower arm. His jaw was clenching so I figured he was disinfecting it.

"Mom broke a bottle again." He sighed.

"Let me do it." I said and looked at his arm. It looked like a nasty cut and I realised Dean hadn't been sarcastic when I noticed the tiny shards of glass on the kitchen counter next to me.

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