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I didn't remember how I got out of the house and how I ended up in the guest house. I didn't remember the car rushing to get away from the sirens and Heather constantly checking up on me to make sure I was awake.

I remembered being in a bad mood and before I knew, my temper had taken over. I was fed up with Ellen and I knew she couldn't do any real damage to me, although it'd been a close call.

The hot cloth against my forehead woke me up from an empty sleep. My eyes slowly started to focus on a worried looking Reid. The moment I woke up I hissed in pain. A sharp pain shot through my head and it seemed like every bone in my body was aching.

"Shh, it's okay." Reid said silently. "Don't get up."

"Is she awake?" I heard Heather ask but the voice seemed so distant.

"Yeah. She might not need to go to the hospital after all." Reid answered Heather.

"My mom..." I said with a raspy voice. I was supposed to be on an innocent school trip.

"We'll find a way." Reid tried to assure me.

"Thanks." I said. I held my breath when I wanted to sit up straight. My ribs were definitely not alright.

"You should be thanking Sage. What happened in there?" Reid asked while trying to keep her voice quiet.

"I don't remember much. How is she?" I asked. I'd expected her to be the one taking care of me unless she had some bad wounds herself. "She's okay, right?" I asked, a little more panicked now. What if Ellen had gotten to her? What if she was dying because of that bitch?

"She needs stitches but she refuses any help until you're alright." Reid answered me but there was this look in her eyes telling me there was more to it. She was still debating whether to tell me or not.

"What else?" I asked, showing her I wasn't stupid and I knew something else was going on.

"It's like she's not even here." Reid said much to my confusion.

There was only one way to find out what was wrong with Sage, so I carefully got up from the bed. Heather and Sidney were quietly playing in the corner of the room but Sage was nowhere to be seen.

"Come on." Reid guided my arm around her shoulder and she grabbed my hip so she could help me walk to another room in the house. I was glad she remembered not to touch my ribs and together we shuffled out of the bedroom. Heather and Sidney followed us quietly, like they couldn't bear being alone.

Sage was sitting in the living room on one of the couches, her back was facing me. "Hey Sage." I told her. My voice was still a little weak but I was sure she'd heard me.

She didn't move. She didn't look behind her to see where the voice came from. It was like she was frozen, staring at nothing because the TV wasn't turned on.

"She's been like this ever since we arrived." Reid added.

I untangled myself from Reid and carefully made my way to the couch. I let out a big sigh of relief when I was finally seated next to her. Sage was still looking in front of her, breathing calmly, not even blinking. The empty look on her face scared me the most. This wasn't Sage, it was like she'd left her body.

"This isn't the first time she's done this." Heather explained. "Whenever Ellen would beat us, Sage would... disappear." She told us.

"So she'll be alright then?" I asked.

"It usually didn't last longer than an hour." Heather elaborated.

"How long has it been? How long was I out?" I asked Heather but figured Reid had a better idea. I had no idea how long I'd been asleep and I had no recollection of getting here so there was no way of knowing.

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