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I don't remember much from that night. Then again, I usually don't remember nights like that. I do remember I was on top of the world.

I had every answer. Sudden clarity had washed over me like a big wave. I knew what life was all about. I knew what we were all supposed to do.

And it felt great.

It was like seeing the world for the first time. I could hear colors and see sounds. Everyone was beautiful and I was part of it. I'd never been part of it until that night.

It's amazing how crappy you can feel when the stuff wears off. It happened so quickly and it hit me all at once.

I fell in love with that little tablet and I couldn't wait to see my lover again.


"Get up." Jeffrey whispered while gently kicking me in the ribs.

I hadn't realised I'd been asleep. I looked around and noticed I was in the old house again, sleeping next to a dozen people. I was convinced the old house had been a nice place before. Now there was nearly anything left from the floral wallpaper and people had drawn all over the walls. The rooms were empty, except for a few old chairs and couches. The corners were moldy and living here seemed like a slow death sentence. The old house or the streets, that's usually where I woke up after an eventful night.

My mind was awake but my body refused to cooperate with me, it would happen from time to time. At least this time I was wearing clothes; it's a bitch when you wake up outside buttnaked.

"Fuck, I know you're alive, get up!" Jeffrey was clearly losing his patience with me. The guy had a short fuse. He once told me he didn't drink alcohol because he'd get into fights but it didn't stop him from shoving other substances into his body.

I don't remember how and when we met. He once gave me the best coke of my life and since then we'd been sharing a lot of highs and lows. He always knew where to find the best stuff. You keep people like him close; they're useful.

"Leave me alone." I groaned, covering my head with my arms.

"I got you a birthday present." Jeffrey sang. I slowly opened my eyes and immediately closed them again. Lights hurt.

"It's not even my birthday." I moped. It was a guess though, I didn't know what day it was. Hell, I didn't even know what month it was.

Jeffrey didn't seem to like my answer because he pulled me from the ground using his cold, bony hands to prevent me from falling onto the floor again. He knew I'd just stay down wherever I fell.

"You're gonna fucking love me when you hear this." Jeffrey grinned. I noticed he was wearing his jacket so he'd been out. It seemed like daddy had brought home some presents from work.

"You mean I'm gonna love fucking you?" I yawned.

"Great. Humor." He sighed. I noticed his hair was growing back nicely. His dark blond hair seemed fuzzy underneath his black beanie. A few weeks ago we woke up next to each other. He was bald and I had a razor in my hands. It didn't take us long to figure out what had happened.

"Alright, what is it this time? Snow? Heroin? Is it both? I love speedballs!" I said with my remaining energy. I was tired and wanted to sleep for a few months.

"No speedballs, it's better than that." Jeffrey grinned. "At least that's what I've heard."

"Just spill already." I told him flatly.

"Not here." He looked around at the sleeping people scattered across the floor and dragged me outside. It was cold; the wind was almost painful and it didn't help that I wasn't wearing any pants. My bare feet scratched against the gravel but Jeffrey didn't seem to care, neither did I, but my curiosity was sparked.

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