Chapter 45

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My story started 26 years ago. I was born as daughter of Hiram and Hermione Lodge, two really successful business owners in Manhattan, New York. They called me Veronica Cecilia Lodge. Today my name is Veronica Cecilia Andrews. I'm married to the love of my life and I'm a mom to three beautiful girls.
One thing that surprised all of us is that after the twins first birthday Betty and Jughead started dating. They fell in love and are now engaged after one and a half year of dating.
Right now, in this moment I'm sitting on the couch next to my husband. I'm cuddled into his chest and we watch our girls play on the rug in front of us.

"Do you wish to have a son sometimes Archiekins?" Veronica asks as Archie's hand slowly run up and down her arm.

"No, I love being a girl dad. I love tea parties and makeovers and princesses. I love our girls so much. I mean yeah it would be cool to have someone who could pass on the Andrews name or take over the family business but maybe one of our girls wants to do that"

"Maybe" Veronica smiles.

"Do you want a son?"

"I don't know. I think it would be very cute to have a little boy in a house full of girls. Do you think we could try?" she asks as she turns around so she can face him. Her hands rest on his chest.

"Babe you know I can't control that. We have a 50/50 chance. What if we have another girl?"

"Then we have another girl" she says and moves her head closer to his. "I just really want to hold a baby again. I want another baby, just one more, please"

"I think one more won't hurt. We have enough space and game nights will be so much more fun when we have equal teams. Now it's always three against two"

"Good to know that game nigh is the first thing that comes into your mind" Veronica giggles. She cups his cheeks and looks into his eyes. "So, is that a yes? We'll try for one more?"

"One more baby, baby" he smirks. He leans forward to close the gap between their lips. He enjoys kissing her. It still feels like the very first time. His stomach tingles and his heart skips a beat.

As Veronica pulls back she snuggles back into his chest and asks: "Do you think we're a little too fast? We're 26, have three kids and plan a fourth. Most people our age have their first kid or don't have any at all"

"So? We love each other and we love our kids. Yes we're young parents but I think that's cool. Having kids with you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I couldn't ask for a better life. Understood, Mrs. Andrews?" he smirks.

"Yes Mr. Andrews"

"Good. I love you, more than words can ever say. Never forget that"

"I won't" she smiles "Your cute little V tattoo on your wrist reminds me every day. I love you so much for getting this. You have no idea how much it means to me"

"I have a feeling" he whispers as he pulls her closer and kisses her head.

"Daddy" Skye whines as she climbs on the couch and sits down next to him.

"What's wrong honey?"

The little girl's bottom lip quivers and tears roll down her cheeks.

"What happened" he asks as he lifts her into his lap. More tears roll down Skye's face but she doesn't say anything "Sweetheart you have to tell me what happened or I can't help you"

"I- I hit my head" the two year old cries. She buries her face in Archie's chest. Her hands hold on tight to his shirt.

"Oh my sweet little baby" he says and wraps his left arm around the little girl. His other one is still around Veronica. "Do you want daddy to kiss your boo boo?"

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