Chapter 39

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~2 weeks later~

Veronica wakes up with her head on Archie's chest. She's wearing his shirt while he's shirtless.
As she shifts she feels Archie move under her too.

"Good morning my beautiful fiancé"

"Good morning lover"

"Are you excited to go back home?" he asks as he runs his fingers through her hair.

"Yeah. The past two weeks were amazing and I think we should definitely make more time for date nights but I miss my little baby and I can't wait to hug her and kiss her little face"

"I agree. I miss her too. Nevertheless we should enjoy the last few hours we have to ourselves because I love love love mommy time"

Veronica giggles. She tilts her head and kisses his jaw. "You're so sweet"

He takes her left hand and runs his thumb over the diamond ring on her finger. A smile grows on his face. "I can't believe you're going to be my wife, my wife. I'm so lucky, I don't even know what I did to deserve you"

"Well, a little over a year ago I ran into class with chocolate milk on my sweater. You sacrificed your hoodie for me. That was really generous. Oh and in case you were wondering where it is, it's still in my closet" she giggles "it's just so comfy"

"You can keep it Mrs. Andrews"

"We're not married yet"

"I'm practicing" he smirks as he wraps his arms back around her and kisses her head.

~back in Riverdale~

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Everleigh squeals as she runs to Veronica with her arms up in the air. Veronica kneels down on the floor. Just a second later her daughter jumps into her arms. She wraps her arms tightly around Veronica's neck and begins to cry.

"Oh my little baby, it's okay. Mommy and daddy are home now"

"I missed you mommy" she sniffs.

"I missed you too my love, so so much" Veronica cups her daughter's face and kisses her cheek a couple of times before she wraps her arms around her and gets up.

"Daddy!" Everleigh giggles as she recognizes Archie next to them. He kisses her forehead and caresses her cheek. "Hi honey" he smiles "did you have fun with grandma?"

"Yeah but I missed you and mommy"

"We missed you too. Now take a look at mommy's left hand"

"Which is her left hand?" the little girl asks.

"Left is the hand you draw with and the hand you hold your fork in"

"Mhhh" she sighs and takes a minute to think before she reaches for her mother's left hand.

She gasps: "The pretty ring!"

"Mommy and I will get married" he smiles proudly. Mary walks closer to the three with a big smile on her face. "Show me" she squeals.

Veronica's cheeks blush as Mary looks at her hand. "I'm so happy for you kids. I can't believe my little boy is getting married"

"I can't believe it either" Archie grins. "She'll be my wife mom, my wife!" he smile as he wraps his arms around Veronica's waist and kisses her cheek a couple of times. "My wife".

"You're so cute Archie" Veronica giggles. She turns her head and kisses his lips lovingly. "I love you"

"I love you too" he smiles as he leans back in but Everleigh places her little hand on his lips and pushes his head back. "Still my mommy. You had her for two weeks. Everleigh time now"

"Sorry" Archie mumbles with a big grin on his face. "Can you share mommy with me? I buy you ice cream"

"Okay!" the little girl squeals.

Mary giggles and squeezes Veronica's hand. "Do your parents know honey"

"Archie asked them for their blessing but they haven't seen me yet. We will visit them tomorrow"

"We'll visit abuelo and abuelita tomorrow?" Everleigh squeals.


The little girl claps her hands together and leans her head against Veronica's.

"That Sounds like fun" Mary smiles. "But I think Ev needs some mommy and daddy time now"

"Yes yes yes!" Everleigh squeals and claps her hands again.

"Okay lets go home then" Archie smiles "thank you mom for watching her"

"Oh any time. We had a lot of fun"


It's early in the morning when Everleigh crawls into her parents bed. She lies down on Archie's chest with her feet on Veronica's stomach.
Archie shifts. He wraps his arm around the little girl and kisses her head. "Morning munchkin"

"Morning daddy" she mumbles and crawls up higher Archie's chest so that she can lie her head down in the crook of his neck, kicking her mom's side in the process.

"I missed being waked by you" Veronica grins as she lies her head on Archie's shoulder.

"Really?" Everleigh asks with a confused look on her face. She doesn't really believe her mother.

"Yeah. Being waked by your daddy's kisses or the warm sunlight in my face is nothing compared to your little feet in my ribs"

"I don't believe you mommy" Everleigh giggles.

"Well then don't" Veronica smirks. Archie pulls her closer and kisses her head.

"Daddy do you believe mommy?"

"I'd rather not say. Mommy scares me"

Veronica hits his chest which makes Everleigh giggles again. "Don't laugh Ev" Archie pouts.

"But it's funny" she grins. She covers her mouth with her hands and looks from Archie to Veronica.

"Fine" he mumbles.

"Daddy I'm hungry. Can we make breakfast?"

"Good idea munchkin" he smiles and sits up, pulling Everleigh and Veronica with him. "Do you want to come too or do you want to stay here honey?"

"Stay here" Veronica says and cups Archie's face. "I'm a little cold can you get me a hot water bottle please?"

"Sure baby" He kisses her lips before he pulls Everleigh into his arms and carries her to the kitchen. A few minutes later he walks back into the bedroom and hands Veronica her hot water bottle.

"Thanks" she smiles.

He kisses her head and sits down on the bed for a second. "Are you okay love? Do you feel sick or anything?"

"No I'm good. I'm just cold"

"Okay" he smiles. He kisses her lips before he walks back into the kitchen to make breakfast together with Everleigh.

Veronica sighs. The truth is she's not cold at all, she's cramping. She places the hot water bottle on her lower stomach and closes her eyes. She won't tell Archie. She needs to figure out the reason for her cramps first.

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