Chapter 2

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I was so excited the day I was finally about the find out the gender of my baby. I promised myself to love it no matter what. No matter if it's a girl or boy, tall or small, disabled or completely healthy. Of course I wanted my baby to be healthy though.
And I can't lie, I was hoping for a daughter just a little bit more but like I said no matter what, I would love that child with all my heart.

Veronica caresses her very visible baby bump. She's five months pregnant and can finally find out the gender of her baby. She lies on the examination bed. When the doctor walks in, she reaches for Betty's hand.

"It's all good V. Don't worry"

Veronica nods.

"Hello Miss Lodge, how are you today?"

"Very good thank you"

"Any morning sickness?"

"Nope not at all. My little bean is really kind" she giggles.

Her doctor smiles too as he puts some gel on Veronica's stomach. She stares at the screen and smiles slightly. She still can't believe this little baby right in front of her eyes is hers. Her flesh and blood. She can't wait to hold it.

"Do you want to know the gender Miss Lodge?"

"Yes please"

"Okay" the doctor chuckles "From what I can see, it's a girl!"

Veronica squeals. A little girl. This means she can buy cute dresses and little bows for her hair. She can buy dolls and barbies and watch movies with princesses and little kittens.
She hopes her little girl looks nothing like Michael so she doesn't have to look into his stupid face everyday for the rest of her life. She can't understand how he doesn't care at all about his child. Yes she wasn't planned but Veronica wouldn't want it any other way. She's happy, happier than she has ever been. It's like a miracle when she feels her little princess move, when she kicks.
Veronica doesn't feel alone anymore, there is always someone with her, her little partner in crime.


~a few days later~

It's only 10 in the morning but Veronica is already awake for hours. Her daughter is really active lately and moves around a lot. She loves it but it's also annoying sometimes. With college and everything she wishes she could sleep in on weekends at least but the little girl apparently thinks that's not necessary.
Veronica sits on the couch in her first own apartment. It's not big but it has a living room with a little kitchen attached to it, a bathroom with a shower and a bathtub and two bedrooms. One for her and one for her daughter. The apartment even has a little balcony. Before she got pregnant and in the first months she worked a lot and saved money so she would be able to afford her own apartment. Her mom helps her financially a little too.

Just as Veronica was about to take a bite of her apple there is a knock on the door. She places the apple on the coffee table and gets up slowly. When she opens the door, her mom and Betty are in front of her. Both hold a little bag in her hands.

"Hello?" Veronica giggles.

"Hi V" Betty squeals. "We got presents"

Before Veronica even has the chance to say something Betty wraps her arms around the raven haired girl and then walks into the apartment.

"Hi mija" Hermione smiles. She places her hand on her daughter's back and leads her back to the couch where she sat before.
"How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"Good, thanks mom" Veronica says as she rubs her stomach carefully. "She's just really active lately"

"You were too. You were always active though" Hermione laughs. It makes Veronica and Betty giggle.

"So V, since we finally know the gender of your baby we got you some stuff" the blonde girl with the ponytail says. She pulls a tiny pink dress with a matching bow out of the bag and hands it to her friend.

"Oh my gosh Betty this is the cutest thing ever. Thank you" Veronica squeals. She looks at it for a second before she places it on her stomach. "What do you guys think? I'm sure she will look adorable"

"Totally agree" Betty giggles "but I have one more"
She pulls another piece of clothing out of the bag. This time is a light gray hooded romper with little bunny ears. Veronica can't hide her excitement. She loves the clothes Betty chose and she can't wait to put them on her little girl.

"Now me" Hermione grins. She hands Veronica a pair of tiny white shoes. "Do you remembers these?"

"From picture yes. They were mine" Veronica smiles.

"Mhm and before they were mine and before that they belonged to your abuelita and now they're your daughter's"

"I didn't know that" Veronica whispers. "Thanks mom. That means a lot to me" She leans forward slightly and wraps her arms around Hermione's neck. She smiles and even a little tear runs down her cheek.

"You'll be an amazing mother" she whispers into her daughter's ear. "You know it won't be easy but I'm here for you and so is Betty and somehow also your dad. You're never alone okay? Never, we got you"

"Thanks mom. I appreciate that"

Hermione kisses Veronica's cheek a couple of times before she sits back down with her hands on her belly again.

"And now I have to say something" she smiles "I've chosen a name"

"Spill" Betty squeals which makes Veronica laugh.

"Her first name will be Everleigh. I fell in love with that name. It's so beautiful and rolls off the tongue easily"

"It's a beautiful name Mija"

"I'm not done mom" Veronica smiles "Her name will be Everleigh Apolonia Lodge"

"Veronica" Hermione whispers.

"You're my hero mom. You did anything possible to give me a great childhood and after dad got arrested you were my rock. You worked two jobs so I could enjoy my teenage life. I don't know if I ever thanked you for that. You're amazing mom, I love you. I'll be blessed if she's anything like you"

"I don't know what to say Veronica. I really appreciate that. I love you honey"

"I love you too mom" she smiles. "And Betty I want you to be her godmother"

"Wait really?" Betty gasps.

"Mhm. You're my best friend. You've been by my side through thick and thin for as long as I can think. I love you and I'm happy my daughter can grow up with some like you in her life"

Betty wraps her arms tightly around her friend. Tears runs down her cheeks.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you V"

Veronica giggles and squeezes Betty close to her. "I better be your first child's godmother too"


Hermione watches the two girls for a minute. They know each other their entire lives. They grew up together and now Veronica is about to be mom. She can't believe that her little girl will soon have a daughter on her own. It seems like only yesterday when Veronica took her first steps or said her first word.
Betty pulls back and sits down next to Veronica again. She places her hands on her friends stomach.

"What about some breakfast?" Hermione asks "Are you guys hungry?"

"Hungry?" Veronica repeats with one eyebrow raised "Ev and I are starving"

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