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~Regina's POV~

"No you idiots! More to the left!" I yell from below the stage. The men move the podium to the left. "Yes Thank you!" I growl under my breath and turn around. My friend Katheryn walks up to me and chuckles. "Men are such delinquents. You'd think they know what middle means." I huff.

"Regina...maybe you should lay off on the yelling. You know people don't work good under pressure."

"You're right, but I need everything to work accordingly." I tell her as we walk. Everything is coming along great. "So, who will you be?" I ask her.

"I was thinking Marilyn Monroe." She smiles.

"Ooo Kat! Well, if you're being Marilyn. I should be Betty Boop." I tease.

"Oh my god Regina! That will look great on you!" She beams, but really I was kidding.

"No, I'm not wearing that." I tell her.

"You totally should. Who does Henry want to be?" She asks curiously.

"Henry wants to be Alfalfa or Harry Potter." I laugh.

"Nooo wayyy. He is too adorable!" Katheryn chuckles I smile at her and look around for Ashley.

"Ashley!!!" I call out. Ashley comes walking as quickly as she can and nods her head.

"Yes Madame Mayor?" She asks nervously and avoids my gaze.

"Would you be willing to run the kissing booth this year?" I ask her. She takes a moment to gain her composure, already letting me know the answer.

"I'm sorry Madame Mayor, but I can't." Jeeh. I wonder why? I frown at her and I want to scold but Katheryn interrupts.

"I can do it. And it will be perfect due to my costume." She smiles. I give her my thanks and Ashley quickly writes it down.

"Give me deets." I order as the three of us walk.

"Ok umm. Well we have people working every booth. Granny agreed to come to StoryBrooke this year and bake the pies for the contest." Ashley starts. I'm surprised your Granny and Ruby are actually gonna come. I hope this doesn't go to shit. "The sac race is ready. The apple bobbing contest is ready. The scarecrow contest is ready..."she lists out.

"Who's judging the costume contest?" I ask.

"Oh Right. So we have Mary Margret Blanchard..." I scoff at her name. "Dr. Hopper and...Aurora." She tells me. I nod my approval and motion for her to continue. "The dance floor is all set up. The snack tents are ready and the money will be successfully sent to charity." Ashley smiles.

"Very good. Thank you. You may go home now." I tell her. She gives me an unsure look but nods before she makes her leave. Only to turn back around to face me with her head held high. I wonder what in her right mind gave her the confidence to challenge me. Even Kat looks surprised.

"I'm not sleeping with Emma by the way." She simply states.

"What you and Deputy Swan does is none of my business." I growl and narrow my eyes at her. She doesn't even shrink like she usually does.

"Well it is, because I'm only doing exactly what you told me to do." She shrugs and leaves. I am both angry and dumbfounded. Only because she's right, I nearly forgot about my orders to set up a play date, but that doesn't explain the lovey dovey eyes they give each other. Kat laughs when Ashley leaves and I glare at her.

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