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I can't really jog anymore, so I take Hannah for little walks in the morning. I look down at the little girl and smile at her. Her waddle is so adorable and her face is focused on the road as she tries to keep up with me. Right now she looks just like Henry. It's the middle of summer and Hannah's eyes lighten from brown, to hazel, to green and her hair darkens to a light brown. Her skin tans slightly and it makes her look like an entire different person: a complete Regina so to speak. In the winter and fall, her hair goes back to the golden blonde and her eyes turns back to a dark brown hue. A beauty mark lays just below her lip, just like Regina's and I can't help the tears that well up in my eyes.

We keep walking until we pass a nice big white house that I pay no attention to until Hannah points to it. "I wanna house like that" she says emphasizing the last 't' in 'that'.

"We will soon." I tell her. I look at the golden numbers on the doors 108. Hannah and I's eyes snap when we hear commotion from the side of the house. It's 5 in the morning so it's fairly dark. I see a body shimmy it's way out of the window and I so wish I had my gun on me right now. I quickly pick up Hannah and begin to walk away.

"Emma?" The familiar voice calls out. I turn around and put Hannah down. Graham is staring at me, blushing with embarrassment. "I'm sorry if I scared you..." he trails.

"What were you doing?" I ask. He looks to me nervously and I dont understand why. "Hey, your personal affairs are none of my business." I tell him and he sighs.

"Look. The Mayor and I kinda have-"

"Wait wait...the Mayor?" I ask in shock. I so fucking knew it! I knew she was flirting with him all of those years ago! "Is Henry in there?" I ask him trying to keep calm.

"Y-yes, but he's slee-" I cut him off short with a swift punch to his face. "What the hell was that for?!" He snaps, lightly touching his busted lip.

"You're screwing the Mayor while my son is in there?!" I snap.

"You're son?! Wait you're Henry's..." He trails trying to wrap the news in his head.

"His biological father? yes." I inform him.

"So you're not a-"

"I'm both." I interrupt, trying to save him from digging a deeper hole.

"Regina told me you were dead." Graham says in shock.

"Yea, well Regina lies about alot of things. I'm sure she hasn't told you that Henry as a twin either." I roll my eyes. Graham's gaze falls to Hannah who's looking up at him with curiosity in her eyes. "Look, I know you're my boss and everything but-"

"No no, it's fine. I totally respect it." He mumbles and the tension becomes very awkward. I clear my throat and grab Hannah's hand.

"I'm going to take her for breakfast...I'll see you later." I mumble and I walk away with urgency.

"Mommy, you my father?" Hannah asks as she slurps her apple sauce.

"In a way, yes." I answer truthfully without confusing her. After what she heard, there's no avoiding this conversation.

"Then who my mommy?" She asks, her green eyes boring into mine.

"Me..." I shrug and she giggles.

"You can't be both!" She laughs.

"But I am." I coo at her with a huge smile on my face. Her attentions falls from me to the door when the bell dings. "Look! Henry's mommy." She points.

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