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~Regina's POV~
I giggle as Graham locks his hand in mine. Together we walk along the streets of downtown StoryBrooke. Just this walk alone soothes me. The cool fall air tickles my nose; the street lights gives a peaceful vibe.

"I'm glad you're feeling a little better." Graham cuts through the silence.

"Me too." I sigh. He stops walking and holds my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"Why haven't we taken this any further?" He asks me with so much hope in his eyes. I nibble on my bottom lip. I just can't do it.

"Graham...you know why." I mutter and continue to walk with his hand still in mine. He doesn't pressure me with anymore questions. That's what I like about him. He goes with the flow and takes in life in the moment. The day before I left Emma's house, which was about two weeks ago, we ended up having sex. It wasn't passionate sex, you know, the kind where you make love? It was the kind of sex where you can't help but want the person and you want to let all your pain into them. We haven't spoken since then and this time it wasn't my fault.

I hear giggling, from across the street as we pass the pond near the troll bridge. I look in the direction to notice two blondes walking side by side. They look happy together honestly and by their voices, I can tell they are Ashley and Emma. I roll my eyes.

"Emma seems to be back to her old ways I see." I chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Graham frowns and looks over.

"When Emma and I were together, we were having an affair. And...she seems to be doing it again. Alexander won't be too happy." I shrug.

"Maybe they're just friends." He frowns in thought.

"Maybe." I look at the sky for a brief moment until I feel eyes boring into me. I look over to Graham and frown. "What?"

"Why did you lie to me about her?" He asks. I heavily sigh and roll my eyes.

"Simple. I just wanted to forget. But it was hard since I had Henry. I thought Henry was going to look like me because of his hair but Hannah looks like me instead." I mumble.

"Regina, you can't just push away an important part of your life." Graham advices.

"No, but I can push away the most painful parts right?" I ask him with sarcasm.

"No. You should acknowledge those painful parts and grow from them. This entire town fears you and I know that's not really who you are."

"It is who I am. It's who my mother made me to be." I shrug.


"Dios Mi." I mumble. "Graham enough!" I order. He gives a slight chuckle.

"You're lucky that I love it when you speak Spanish." I give out a hardy laugh and shake my head at his childish behavior.


"I know you; I've walked with you once Upon a dream..." Hannah sings as we walk to Granny's. I look down at her and smile. Since it's fall, Hannah's hair is back to blonde and her eyes are back to brown. She sings, skips, and spins in her little adorable outfit that she picked out. She's wearing black leggings, a white tshirt with a long sleeve denim flannel shirt, her hair is up in a meesy bun, and she has a thick, black head band on.

She looks up to me with pleading eyes and pouts. "Can you button my shirt? Please?" She whines. I nod my head and kneel down to button up her clothes. I stand back up and we continue to walk.

"Are you excited to eat with Alexandria today?" I ask her. Hanna jumps up and down from the mentioning of her new, blonde hair and blue eyed, best friend.

"Yesssssssssss!!!!!" She screams and runs around me in circles. She giggles when she stops and points to Granny's.

We walk in to find Ashley is already sitting in a booth with Alex across from her. Hannah giggles and claps her hand before running to them. She slides in next to Alex, frightening the girl for a second until they give each other a big hug.

"We're making bird houses today." Alex tells us. Hannah smiles while she continues to color.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do. I always play with my brother." She tells Alex.

"You have a brother?! Who's your brother?" Alex asks.

"Henry, remember? He's my twin." Han responds. Ashley and I chuckle at their little conversation while figuring out what we want to eat.

"It's when we have the same parents and same birthday." Hannah laughs.

"Ohhhhhhh!" Alex giggles and pouts.

"I want a twin mommy." She whines and throws her head back.

"It's too late Alex. You're already born." Ashley laughs. She turns to me and smiles. "I had fun last night."

"Did you?" I tease. She laughs and roll her eyes.

"Yes! Oh, and Alexander wants to meet you and Hannah." She smiles. I look at her knowing there's more to it. "Sooo...would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" She asks nervously.

"There it is!" I tease. She pouts.

"Stop! You know I've never really had a friend before." She laughs and I nudge her shoulder.

"I know, I know. I'm just joking. And yea of course, but I might have to bring Henry along." I warn her.

"That's fine, but why?" She asks.

"Because I punched Regina's boy toy for doing things while Henry was home. Ever since then, they send him to me if Graham spends the night." I frown.

"Better that, than him being there." Ashley agrees.

After breakfast, I take Hannah to preschool as usual. I saw Regina in there and gave Henry a big hug, but I didn't acknowledge her. Why? Because that one night said alot. You can't fix what's severely broken. I really don't want to waste my time trying and it seems that neither does she. Yea, I saw her walking happily with Graham last night. It's really none of my business anyways.

I drive back to the station. Of course, Graham is there already. I hate seeing him. Just his presence causes jealousy to erupt in me and I don't get why that happens. I hate myself for it. I drop my keys on my desk and pull out a different ring of keys from the drawer. I walk over to the cell that's holding Will and I let him out.

"You're free to go." I smile at him. He stretches dramatically as he steps out of his cell.

"Aye. Thanks Mate." He smiles. I grimace and take a step back.

"And instead of trying to steal. Maybe you should clean up." I advise. He nods and makes his leave out of the station. Someone clears their throat and I turn to see Leroy pressing his face against the bars.

"What about me sister?" He asks. I tsk and shake my head.

"Tomorrow." I simply state before I grab the keys to the cruiser to start my morning patrol.

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