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~Regina's POV~

I sit and watch as everybody's little demons run around. There's crying and screaming. There's temper tantrums and then there's the good kids like Henry and, surprisingly, Hannah.

Robin is a little demon. Zelena had to put her in time out for pushing a kid off of the mario kart seat. I don't see how she did it and she's only 3. Hunter is Killian and Ruby's son. They hooked up after the fall festival.

Oh yea, so about Ruby. Emma and I had that christmas party already. It turned into a complete therapy session. We just let it go, thinking that if they let out their anger everything would get better but it hardly helped. I found out that Emma and Ruby shared a kiss at the festival. On top of that, my mother thought it was okay to invite Robin and his family. ON TOP OF THAT, most of storybrooke was there just watching it unfold. I resigned from Mayor so quick.

Ashley is now the mayor of storybrooke. And my ex favorite cousin moved into town soon after. I swear she's after Emma, I just know it. I know.

I look around to find Josie running towards me. It causes me to frown; I could've sworn the babies were with Emma. I lift the little one in my arms and search for Emma. She and Henry are playing a game together. I don't know what it is and I could care less. Ivy is nowhere to be seen!

"Oh, hey babe." Emma says over the noise.

"Where the hell is my child?!" I snap.

"With Hannah." She says calmly. She forfeits the game and puts the gun back in its holder. She turns to me and pecks my lips to reassure me. Together, we walk around to find Hannah. "We have too many damn kids."

"I want more." I admit.

"What the hell?! No you don't." Emma gives me a look and shakes her head.

"I do babe!" I whine. She rolls her eyes.

"I'll be sure to wear condoms," She jokes.

"Come on Em," I beg.

"No Regina! You keep popping out twins. That's six kids!" She's right. But I want all of Emma's babies. I love children and it's just something about Emma's that makes it better.

We spot Hannah at the duck game with little Ivy. She jumps up and down as she presses the button over and over again to knock down the ducks. She cheers once the game is over and she holds out the tickets to Hannah. The girls have two buckets full of tickets. Emma and I hold hands and smile at how adorable they are together.

"More Ticks! More Ticks!" Ivy sings.

"Let's find Momma first and get another bucket." Hannah suggests.

"Otay!" Ivy agrees. She takes one bucket and holds Hannah's hand with the free one.

"Oh. Hola moms" Hannah chuckles in surprise.

"Hey. You two stay close there's predators everywhere nowadays" I warn.

"Really Regina? Predators?" Emma gives me a look.

"I swear you think I'm crazy for all the wrong reasons." I growl. Ivy runs up to me and holds out her tickets.

"We got ticks!" She cheers.

"Yes! Great job baby!" I smile and take them from her. Meanwhile, Josie falls asleep in my arms.

"Ms. Swan?" Someone calls from behind us. We all turn around to see a worker with Chuck E. standing next to her. "It's time for the cake."

I realize she's looking at me and not Emma. We aren't even married...yet. "Oh uh thank you. We'll be right over."

"She called you Swan momma. Why?" Hannah asks.

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