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"Yes!" Hannah teases.


"Yeess yesss yes!"

"Moooommyyyy!" Henry whines and I groan, setting down the report paperwork that I didn't have time do because I arrested Will just in the nick of time. I shift my body on the couch to look at Henry pouting at me and Hannah has a face showing me that she could care less that he was going to tattle. It still baffles me how Henry has easily accepted me as his other mother and has already resorted into calling me Mommy. Ever since he found out that Hannah and I were family, he didn't seem as shy anymore.

"Yess?" I sigh and rub my temple. These two are a piece of work.

"Can you please tell Hannah that we watch Paw Patrol." He begs.

"No! My little pony!" Hannah demands.

"It's too girly!" Henry argued.

"So...Paw Patrol is boring." She snaps back.

"Spongebob it is!" I yell over their banter. I sigh with relief when they sit back into their seats and didn't protest. I change the channel with the remote and smile at the look on Hannah's face. This is her favorite.

"Ahhhh Musical dootle." She mocks with spongebob. As soon as the music starts playing she gets up from the couch and starts dancing and flicking her spiral curls every which way.

"Round and round the record spins all day..." she sings and kicks her feet. She then turns to Henry. "Listen again it takes you far away!" She points to him. Henry is laughing so hard and my heart fills with so much joy at this scene. I savor the moment forgetting about the stupid paperwork and focus on my bonding children.

"Doo, doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo." She sings and shakes her little butt with every 'doo'. Henry topples over the couch in laughter and I couldn't hold mine in any longer. Her face is so serious, it's hilarious!

"Musical doodle! Listen again to the musical doodle!"

Suddenly her body slumps and she hangs her head down for dramatic exit. Henry and I both clap frantically, boosting her ego. She smiles and takes her place back on the couch next to her brother. They sit snuggled together comfortably. I smile. I was just about to finish my work when I hear the doorbell ring.

Thinking it's the pizza, I quickly get up and I grab my wallet from out of the kitchen. Making my way into the foyer, I pull out a solid twenty and open the door. I'm met with swollen brown eyes and Regina is at my doorstep in a crying fit. The last and only time I've ever seen the brunette cry was when she said her last goodbye to Hannah. I fumble for words; I'm beyond confused.

"I-I'm sorry Emma. I just...I didn't know who to go to." She let's out a shaky sigh trying to fight the tears but fails. They fall thickly down her cheek and she quickly wipes them away.

"Come in." I say still dumbfounded and I move out of the way. She enters and looks around before she walks further into the home. I see a small smile planted on her face when her eyes lands on the cuddled twins on the couch.

She turns to me and I motion for her to follow into the kitchen. "I don't have apple cider, wine?" I ask. She nods her head and sniffles, avoiding eye contact with me and keeps her gaze on the island. I wonder if something happened between her and Graham. I hand her the glass of wine and she shakily takes it. I frown at the sight. I've never seen Regina so vulnerable like this or depressed.

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