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"Momma?" Henry's little voice whimpers but I ignore him. I don't want to lash out on him.

I grit my teeth and close my eyes tightly, but that makes things harder for me because every time I close my eyes, Emma appears. I open my eyes when I feel his small body on my lap and now the exact replica of Emma is sitting right in front of me. I groan lowly and try with all my might for my body to stop shaking. Trying to hold down the volcano that is trying to erupt. "It's okay Momma. You have me." He gives me that grin-Emma's grin- and I want to cry. He wraps his tiny little arms around my neck and pecks my cheek.

"Oonnee..." he counts softly.

"Two..." I mumble.

"Three..." he says and rubs my back. This boy maybe a reminder for the rest of my life but he is an angel sent from above. My four year old son learned how to help me with my anger and he always has.

"Four..." I breathe softly. I look at him in those piercing green eyes. I smile and stand up with Henry rested on my hip. I was having an episode because I was stressed. I moved to storybrooke because I needed to be far away from Emma and she couldn't move because she was still in school.

Graham got me the job at the hospital here, not too long after, I became Mayor somehow. Everything happened so fast. My mother came to visit and when she found out that the previous mayor had been locked up due to scandals, she told me this would be my opportunity to make her proud. So, I took it and I won. I still volunteer at the hospital from time to time, because being a surgeon is my gift.

"Momma feels better. Thank you Hen." I nuzzle his nose and he giggles.

"Cinnamon pancakes please." He asks softly...just like Emma.

"Anything for my little Prince." I chuckle. This boy is the sweetest thing I have ever set eyes on and I can't help but spoil him. He's really obedient and innocent, so he deserves the world.

I sent Henry off to daycare and I make my way to the sheriff's station. I have a little unfinished business with Graham. I should cut his dick off for finding him flirting with someone else. I mean he isn't my boyfriend, just a toy I like to play with, but still.

"Graham?" I call into the station. At first I get no answer.

"Oh good you're here." He steps out of his office with a smile but it drops once he sees me glare at him. "Regina not now okay?" He mumbles through gritted teeth.

"I believe now is a better time than ever." I growl.

"I have a new recruit in today." He whispers with wide eyes.

"Really? Who? How come I wasn't informed." I gasps in betrayal.

"My apologies Madame Mayor. She just moved into town under short notice and now she's hired."

"She?" I mumble as realization hits me. "She?!" I snap and he sighs.

"Can you just meet her first before you jump the gun?" Graham pleads. I clear my throat and gain my composure.

"Fine." I sigh and wave him off. I sit on one of the desks and cross my legs. I sit my purse next to me. I look down at my phone in my lap and smile. It's a picture of baby Hannah before she was taken away. I quickly put my phone away as I hear footsteps and murmurs come from Grahams office coming closer towards me.

"Okay...this is Madame Mayor, Madame Mayor this is-"

"No!" We both yell at the same time.

"You're the new hire?" I scoff.

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