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I am beyond pissed at Emma. I haven't seen her in two weeks. TWO FUCKING WEEKS. It's so frustrating. During that time I started going to therapy, which is slowly working. Couple's counseling is boring because I can care less. Then I had dull sex with Robin about three times and I just want Emma.

I fiddle with the covers in my bed until I hear the back door of the house open. I immediately growl once the footsteps comes closer to the room. "Two weeks. No calls...nothing." I shrug.

Emma kicks off her shoes and crawls in between my legs. She kisses my cheek lightly then lays behind me acting as a big spoon. She forcefully grinds into my ass, and it may sound like nothing, but it feels so damn good and makes me so damn horny.

"I know. I'm sorry... I had boot camp for basket ball last week and then midterms the week before." She mumbles pressing herself harder against me.

"Mmmh." Is all I can mutter. She sits up and takes off her pants along with her panties and places her body back in between my legs. She pulls down my panties and frowns at my glistening cunt. It's stretched a bit because of Robin wanting to have sex all of a sudden and 'make things work'.

"You've been having sex?" She frowns and shifts our legs to the point where she can enter me deeply.

"Yes..." i groan. "Dull orgasms after orgasms...I've missed you Papi." I look her dead in her eyes and she moans at the nickname. She starts grinding harder into me causing me to moan softly.

"We have a lot of catching up to do dont we?" She breathes in between moans.

"Yes." I moan out and she begins grinding faster. She takes one of her arms that she's using to hold herself up and grabs my neck. I moan even louder from her tight grip and nibble on my own bottom lip for more painful comfort. "Fuck baby! Harder!" I whimper and I rake my nails down her back with much force; not enough to leave marks that will be noticeable though. She begins slamming into me, archeing her back, signaling that her orgasm is coming.

"Mmm Gina!" She moans out. "You like that baby?" She groans.

"Mhhhmm!" I whimper. "Yes papi you feel so fucking good!"

And that does it for her. She pulls out and comes undone right on my stomach. That lasts for a good 30 seconds. Two weeks was really too long. I hum at the feel of our cum mixing and her shaking orgasm finally ceases after a minute or two after. I ended up soaking the sheets below us and I make a mental note to change them. She falls on to her back beside me in a breathless fit.

"Up." She mumbles once she catches it. I chuckle and straddle her waist. I kiss the pulse points on her neck and travel up to her soft lips. She wraps her arms tightly around me and travels her hands to my ass as we indulge in a very passionate make out session. She lets go when I pull away and I shift my entire body towards her face going 'up' until my cunt is aligned with her mouth.

She takes a swift lick to my slit causing my body to shutter and she hums in approval. Not wanting to wait any longer, she clenches my ass and begins devouring me with no remorse.

"Shit!" I moan out in a high pitched tone. My orgasm washes over me, causing my body to jerk and grind into her face. She doesn't care and she won't let up. That's one way she punishes me: sending me through one intense orgasm after another and she won't stop until she's done. It's all so intense and it's worth it in the end but the exhaustion is really what's painful.

Again and again, I cum in her mouth. She swallows it whole and curves her tongue back in my center. My hands grab fists full of hair and pushes her in deeper. I arch my back so she can reach that point and gain more access and she motions my hips to grind harder into her face. I come crashing down again and again. Emma doesn't want to stop. I don't want to stop, but at one point we had to so she doesn't die from lack of oxygen. Then it's my turn to devour her.


"Do we really have to do this?" I ask Ruby; she rolls her eyes but keeps the, on the road. She thought it was a great idea to go to a club tonight to clear my head and release some stress. It would have been a great idea if she didn't invite Regina and Zelena.

Now, I'm going to be even more fucking stressed because I'd be more focused on trying to keep my hands off of her than anything. Looks like I'm not getting drunk because who the hell knows what drunk Emma would do with Regina around?

Ruby pulls up into the parking spot. I follow her out of the car and we make our way to the line to find the sisters. They saved us a spot.

"Rubes! Emma! Over here." We hear the loud party animal. I can tell Zelena is already buzzed. Ruby smiles and rushes into a warm embrace from Zelena and then proceeds to Regina who hesitantly hugs Ruby back. Regina locks eyes with me and I see nothing but fear and stress in them. She's dreading this night and so am I. I shrug and get in line next to Ruby, behind Regina and Zelena.

Ruby and Zelena continue to have small talk and I just lean on the wall and listen, catching Regina checking me out every once in a while. Finally, we made it to the front of the line. Zelena tells the guard who she is and he happily let us through, not even taking a glance at the list. We get in there and Ruby and Zelena immediately start off with shots.

"Want one?" Zelena holds one out to me. I shake my head.

" I'm good." I chuckle.

"Awww babe! Come on! We came here to have fun." She pouts. I laugh as she pulls me to the dance floor. I look back to see Zelena encouraging me and Regina at the bar ordering a drink and ... is she flirting with the bartender? I roll my eyes. Two can play that game.

Ruby dances all over me. I bite my lips for show and grab her waist as she grinds into my center. I feel Regina watching me every so often and I don't care, because every time I look at her she's laughing it up with the bartender while Zelena already went off to flirt with some guy.

After a few songs, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Zelena using some guy for balance and she's having a giggle fit.

"I think we need the savior." She laughs. I frown at her.

"Why?" I say over the music.

"Regina stormed out. I think she's angry..." She chuckles.

"And you just let her?! Is she drunk?!" I yell with anger.

Zelena shrugs; it takes all of me not to sock her in her face. Ruby motions for me to go and I rush out of the club, looking everywhere as I burst through the door. My anxiety builds and I begin to panic intensely until I see red stilettos and a round ass across the street. Once I see cigarette smoke, I know it's her. I quickly cross the street when it's clear and wrap my arms around her from behind. She always knows when it's me so I don't have to worry about her punching the shit out of me.

"Get off of me!" She snaps.

"What the hell is your problem?" I stomp in front of her.

"What's your problem?!" She yells back.

"Seriously? You're mad because I was dancing with my girlfriend?" I snap aaaannnnddd I fucked up so much. There's nothing but pain and pure anger in her eyes now. "Why were you flirting with the bartender?" I ask.

"No no! Don't try to change the subject asshole!" She roars and I roll my eyes as I watch her burn out her cigarette and turn away from me. "I knew it was to good to be true." She mumbles as she fights the tears and watch the cars drive by.

"You know damn well that I didn't mean that." I groan.

"Whatever Emma. And I was flirting with the bartender to keep my mind off of how jealous and angry I was, but you wanted to be an asshole and put on a show." She glares at me for a brief moment. I sigh heavily and pull out my phone to text Ruby and tell her that Regina and I are going to take a walk.

I grab the beautiful woman's wrist and drag her down the street.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She snaps at me.

"Reminding you that you're mine." I tell her sternly and I hear her breath hitch. She doesn't even protest after that.

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