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~Regina's POV~

"Do they really have to come over?" Emma whines and smashes her head onto the island.

"Si, Papi. You know It's a family tradition." I Scold.

"But it's our first Christmas as a family. I feel like they are going to ruin it." She groans.

"They won't because I invited others. And think about it; we would be nervous wrecks walking into my mother's house as opposed to us being comfortable in our own home." I explain softly.

"Our home?" She asks.

"Well, you're here almost all of the time." I chuckle. "Might as well be."

"What are you saying?" She asks. I shake my head at her stupidity.

"If you want to move in Swan, move in." I snap at her. She rolls her eyes at me.

"And here I thought you'd ask me in a more romantic way." She scoffs.

"Life isn't all Unicorns and Roses." I mutter and look at the time on my watch. "The horse should be at the stables by now."

"You were serious?!" She yells at me.

"Emma shut up!" I yell.

"Why did you buy a horse?!"

"My daddy bought it when I was 5! It's my horse!" I scream at her. God she's so annoying!

"You can ride a horse?" She mumbles.

"I can ride many things, obviously." I tease.

"Mmmmm. I know what else I want you to ride." Emma get's up and creeps closer to me, causing me to clash with the counter behind me. She traps me here and presses her body onto mine. I instantly feel her erect member on my leg.

"I don't have time." I mumble. She leans in and leaves soft kisses on my neck.

"Oh we have time." She chuckles and lifts me up onto the counter.

I hate myself in this moment for wearing a pencil skirt. She slowly trails her fingers up my thigh, slides down my thong over my boots. I keep my eyes closed shut, bracing myself for what's to come. I soon feel Emma slip inside of me with ease and the amazing feeling causes me to grab onto the counter with a death grip until my knuckles are white. Emma pushes in deeper and I finally moan out in pleasure. My back arches and my head falls back.

"Shit..." I mumble. She begins thrusting in me at a steady pace, sinking her nails deep into my thighs. That act alone causes another wave of arousal to course through my veins. I'm more than likely dripping wet at this point. She groans once she feels more of my juices pouring out and she thrusts harder into me.

"I want you to come hard for me baby." She growls and moves even faster. I moan out in ecstasy.

"Fuck! Emma...!" I scream out. My phone started to ring but I could care less. I tune it out but Emma answers. I hate that she answered because she still doesn't stop pounding in me and it's hard for me not to moan.

"Sheriff Swan." She answers professionally. "She's busy at the moment. Would you like me to leave her a message?" I clench my teeth into my bottom lip with so much force. Emma smirks at me and hangs up the phone.

"Who was it?" I gasp. Emma lifts me up and walks us to the island, slamming down on top of the counter top. Now I'm laying down with my legs wrapped around her and it gives her access to push in deeper.

"Rocinante is waiting for at the stables." She then groans and moves as fast and hard as her body can go. My body begins to shake at the newfound feeling. I'm so close to cuming until.....

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