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~Regina's POV~

"My little munchkin! Mommy loves you!" Baby Josie giggles so hard then she cuddles her chubby finger under her chin. Her eyes squint and she shows off all her gums. "Yesss. You and your sister gave mommy hell in that sorry excuse of a car."

"Fuck you Regina!" I hear Emma call through the house. I only laugh and continue my baby talk with Josie.

"Daaaaaa DAAAAAA DA DA DA DAAAAAA DUUHHHHH!" Henry screams. Suddenly I see him chasing and beating Emma with a life saber. Ohhhh my god...

"Henry be quiet!" I scold.

"Let the force be with you." He points the glowing stick at me and makes the deepest voice he can. I try so hard not to laugh. It kind of sucks that we will be spending the summer in the house, but it seems that everybody else is having fun.

I roll my eyes and look down in Ivy's crib to see if she's still asleep. God she sleeps like her mother.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" Hannah screams and stomps through the hall towards Henry's room. She's so upset that the beach is a no go. Ivy is still asleep. Even after Lola growls every time anyone, besides me, walks past the door. Yup, we got a dog. I saw her on the side of the road and I couldn't just leave her there.

"Lola! Potty time!" Emma calls out. Lola jumps up and pushes the door open with her muzzle.

"Ooooo! I'm coming!" Hannah squeals.

"Me too!" Henry runs after. I could tell just by their heavy stomps. I just want to beat all their faces in.

"Baby, I'll be back later!" Emma calls up the stairs.

"Yea...don't come back. Any of you!" I tease. She says something under her breath but I can't make it out. "I hope you're not like any of them, Josie." I say to the little baby. She giggles once again and the sweet little child warms my heart.

~Three years later~

~Emma's POV~

"Come back here you little shit!" I yell at Josie or I think it's Josie. I can't fucking tell! I don't get how Regina can. She stops in her tracks just to stick her tongue out at me.

"Emma!" Regina yells at me.

"I just want to get her dressed." I whine.

"MOOMMMAAAA HAN HAN NOT SHARIN'" I believe that is Ivy screaming from the kitchen.

"Ow! Stop hitting me!" Hannah whines.

"Josie! Ven aqui!" Regina yells. I immediately feel stupid. I've been chasing Ivy this whole time. I swear she's a little witch like Regina.

"Ha ha!" Ivy teases. "You thought I Josie." She chuckles.

"Oooo you are so lucky!" I groan. Ivy smirks and runs away again.

"This is a disaster." Regina groans. "We're late for our own damn birthday party."

"Well maybe if you stop giving birth to Gremlins we wouldn't have this problem!" I snap in frustration.

"Oh save the bull shit Emma," Regina rolls her eyes and turns to Josie. "You keep your hands to yourself, understand?"

"Si!" Josie growls. Oh brother.

"Did you just growl at me?" Regina glares.

"No!" Josie yells.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Regina yells back. Here we go...Regina fights with Josie like she fights with Hannah. I've learned it's a way they all show their love. It's crazy right?

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