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I sit in my office after, signing many papers and all of this other bullshit. I still have the slightest idea as to why I let my mother talk me into being the Mayor. There's always work to be done. There's always city property being destroyed. The crime rate never decrease and it's just so stressful. To add on to the mayhem, I have to start planning for the autumn festival this year. Here in storybrooke, we have a festival for every season and the fair grounds stay decorated for the entire month. So, since halloween is in October the festival will be held in October. It's almost September...

"Mayor Mills. There's a letter for you." My secretary pages through the phone. I roll my eyes and press the button.

"Well who is it from?!" I snap at her.

"I-I don't know. It doesn't say." She mumbles. God I hate mumbling.

"Alright...just bring it in." I say to her. A few seconds later I hear a slight knock on the door before it slowly creeps open. My secretary nervously walks in and takes her place in front of my desk.

She hands me an envelope that feels thick to the touch. I didn't order her to go anywhere so she stays right where she stands. She watches me open the letter neatly. I pull out a pile of pictures and a small gasp escapes my lips. I know I'm smiling from ear to ear and the tension I feel coming from Ashley is now gone. She rarely sees me smile and when she does, all her nerves shatter.

"Who is that?" She dares to ask.

"My daughter...H-Henry's twin." I say while smiling down at the photos displayed across my desk. Hannah is much younger and looks completely different from the way she looks now. She looks more like the little girl I gave birth to.

I chuckle at how adorable she is. She has Emma's little chin! In every picture her hair is a different shade and her eyes are a different color. It's obvious that she does change with the seasons, just by looking at the clothes she's wearing. I smile at the fact that Emma actually dressed my daughter like a little girl and did it with style at that.

"She's beautiful." Ashley smiles and I finally lock eyes with her. She tenses and I know she's nervous all over again, but a thought occurred to me. Ashley had a baby when she were 16 and now she should be around 5 years old.

"Ashley... your daughter is 5 correct?" I ask professionally.

"She's getting there." Ashley chuckles awkwardly.

"Well I was wondering if you can arrange a playdate with Deputy Swan. They just moved into town and I'm sure that Hannah could use a friend..." I trail nervously. I feel like I'm asking too much of her when I tend to be harsh towards her.

"Of course! That is a great idea Madame Mayor." She smiles to my surprise I nod signaling that she can leave me now to ponder on how beautiful my little Hannah is.


I'm starting to feel like this job doesn't pay me enough. Right now, I'm struggling with a common robber of the city named Will. Graham said he always managed to weasel is way out of his grasp, but I'm not letting that happen not today.

"You're making this harder than it has to be." I grunt as I hold him down against the hood of the car with his arm pressed against his back.

"Why would I give up huh? There's always a chance to take. I always take chances." He pants as he continues to struggle.

"And those chances are getting you locked up." I growl.

Finally, I get the handcuffs on him. I forcefully yank him, by his arm to stand up straight. He willingly get's into the car now and as I make my way to the driver's side, I see a blonde around my age with blue eyes walking towards me with a warm smile on her face.

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