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~Emma's POV~

"Emmaaaaaa." Regina cries. Likes she's literally crying.

"No." I scold. She looks to me with a pout. Her lip is quivering just a little and I almost give in a little. She wants me to take her out to eat but it's 1 in the morning. There's really no where to go.

"But-" she whines.

"Noooooooo..." I stop her again. She huffs earning an eye roll from me.

This pregnancy has been a roller coaster for us because her hormones are like COMPLETELY out of control. I don't know what's wrong with her but...we're having twins again. This time, the egg split, so the babies are going to be identical. We wanted it to be a surprise so we don't know if they're boys or girls. She's literally due any day now and I can't wait for it to be over! "Lay down." I mumble.

She does as she's told and her whimpers immediately dissipates when I trail soft kisses along her neck. I rest my hand, softly, on her huge tummy and rub it as a way to sooth her. She hums her approval, letting me know she wants more. So, I spread her legs and place my body between them with my hands rested on her knees. She smirks up at me. I love it when she does that, it causes my heart to flutter with a million butterflies inside.

"What are you doing?" She narrows her eyes in suspicion.

"Something that I haven't done in a long time." I place a soft kiss on her belly before I place my face in between her legs. I smile, noticing that she's already wet and wants it badly. I give her a quick lick with my tongue, causing her body to tremble slightly.

Regina runs her hand through my hair and grabs a hand full. "Yes Emma!" She whines, not too loudly. For all we know, Henry and Hannah could be awake. I keep going and her moans become louder. I flick my tongue on her bundle of nerves even faster. She tastes so fucking good. She grabs my hair tighter earning a moan from me, but I'm left dumbfounded when she yanks my head away.

I look up to the panting brunette with confusion written all over my face. She looks down at me and shakes her head. She let's me go and grips the sheets beneath her and seethes her teeth. "Anything that I say to you, don't listen!" She whines.

"Wait wha-" I look down on the bed and my eyes widen in pure panic. There's a huge pool of liquid around her. Seriously?! "Now?! They're coming now?!"

"Yes!" She screams and the pain is so evident in her voice. It lasts two minutes before her first contraction subsides and her body relaxes. After a few minutes she screams out in pain and I feel so bad. "DON'T JUST SIT THERE IDIOT! DO SOMETHING!" She screams at me. I casually roll my eyes at her and grab my cellphone.

"Hello?" Zelena answers. Thankfully she lives in StoryBrooke now.

"Meet me at the hospital?" I ask.

"Are the munchkins on their way?!" She gasps.

"Yes." I chuckle. Zelena and I take a moment of silence as Regina screams from another contraction. "But her contractions aren't close enough yet." I inform her.

"That sounds painful." Zelena seethes. I shake my head and give her a throaty laugh.

"You're next." I tease. She's due next month. What a coincidence right?

"I know!" She whines. "I'm leaving the house now. I'll tell Whale." She reassures me. I give my thanks and we hang up.

"Emma!" Regina screams. I count silently in my head and then she screams again. "Fuck! Take me to the hospital!" She cries. And this time I actually get up and pull a pair of jeans over my legs.

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