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~Emma's POV~

"The next game is a family game." Regina tells me.

"So why don't we play?" I ask her. She gives it a thought and I pout. "Come on Regina...the kids will love it." I whine.

"Emma...more than half of storybrooke doesn't know about you and Hannah." She says nervously.

"So, they'll know tonight." She gives in and nods her head.

"Fine." She mumbles. Sydney calls everyone towards the scarecrows that are aligned in a field.

"All families that would like to join. Please pick a scarecrow." Regina freezes from her spot in anxiety.

Hannah and Henry looks up to us with hope filled eyes. My heart instantly melts. Ashley and her family stands by a scarecrow, followed by Mary Margret and hers. More and more families takes on more scarecrows. Thankfully there's one left.

"Momma...please!" Henry begs. I look up to Regina and I pout as well. She gives in and sulks in defeat. We walk together hand in hand to the last scare crow. Zelena joins us wraps her arm around my neck.

"Aren't we such a cute little family?" I chuckle and pry her off of me. Most of the crowd looks at us in surprise. Regina rolls her eyes and looks over to Sydney who walks over to us.

"Madame Mayor." He speaks first.

"Sydney..." she trails. Everyone quiets and keeps their attention in our direction.

"You do know the rules correct?" He questions. This is so annoying.

"Yes Sydney. If you want to know about my personal life, Henry and Hannah are twins!" She snaps. Everyone gasps, but I see alot of smiles on people's faces. Sydney's eyes then land to me causing Regina to growl. "And in technicality...Emma is the father of my children." I wink at him and Zelena laughs at his shocked face. I laugh at everyone's shocked faces.

"Yup, I'm her baby a dress." I smile. Zelena gives me a high five and Regina glares at me.

"What? It's trueeeee" I grin adorably. She rolls her eyes. Sydney proceeds to tell the rules. We all have to run to the giant crate of costumes and grab different items. We only have a minute and thirty seconds to do that and dress our scarecrow. We all agree to let Zelena and Hannah grab the clothes.

"On your mark!" Sydney yells. Zelena kicks off her heals. She's so into it right now because fashion is her thing of course. "Go!" He yells. Everyone runs full speed to the crate. Zelena makes it back with a tie. You are only allowed to grab one item at a time. I hold Henry up and Regina helps him put it on. Hannah runs towards us with a curly red wig fit for a clown.

I see what they're doing! It's smart because there's no way the items that you pick will complete a whole costume. It's possible for you to grab a tutu but then another family could probably take the tiara or the wand, so it only makes sense to go with the silly category.

"30 seconds!" Sydney calls out.

Zelena runs towards us with, mickey mouse like, gloves. Regina and Henry puts them on quickly and I just simply hold Henry in the air. Hannah runs as fast as she can with a button up shirt that has colorful poka dots on it. Not too soon after, Zelena throws a lab coat at us. A lab coat...

"Time!" Sydney yells out. Everyone stops their movements. We all step back and look at each others scarecrows. Some of them are really good. Mary, David, and Neal managed to make their scarecrow look like a mime. There was another family that made theirs into a cowboy with a tutu.

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