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~Regina's POV~

You'd think that when the sheriff and the Mayor warns everybody to stay indoors, they'd listen right? But noooooo, everyone wants to be stupid and drive outside in the storm. I've had to do three emergency surgeries already. There were so many that once Whale or I was done with one surgery, there was another waiting for us right after. I had to amputate one guy's leg because it was completely done. There was no saving it. Then a lady had a miscarriage, I ended up having to handle that. And now...

"Madame Mayor. There's a patient waiting for you. She might need emergency care." My nurse tells me. I sigh heavily and grab my clipboard.

"Which room?" I ask.

"Room 815, ma'am." I nod and make my way towards the elevator. Once inside, I press the button for floor 8. Hopefully this patient isn't sitting in their death bed. The elevator chimes and the doors open to set me free. I walk dow the hallway and around the corner to 815. It's rude to just walk in so I knock before doing so.

I nearly almost passed out when I opened the door. I had to hold myself up on the door handle.

"Hey" she croaks with a weak smile.

"Emma?! What the hell?!" I snap at her. Her arm is pouring with blood. She has gauze wrapped around it but she's going to need stitches ASAP.

"Hey, don't blame me. I don't think that people realize they're putting my life in danger when they decide to put their own lives in danger." She growls. I slide a chair beside her and carefully unwrap the bloody gauze from her arm.

"I don't have time to put you to sleep." I gasp once the deep gash in her arm is revealed. It's starts from her wrist, to the back of her arm, and nearly stopping at her elbow. "What happened?"

"Well, I'm sure you heard about the guy who came here and was nearly dead." She starts I nod and grab a pair of gloves and some other things to try and clean off some of the blood.

"Whale is performing surgery on him. Most of his body is fractured, but the most serious injury is his lung. One of his ribs punctured his lung so he's bleeding internally." I tell her. She winces in pain and snaps her eyes shut.

"Will he make it?" I love how she cares so much about people.

"If they stop the bleeding, yes. Then they can pump the blood out of his lung and he won't drown." She nods at my answer.

I pull out the needle and thread to begin her stitches. I hate having to cause so much pain on her but I can't just let her bleed out.

"So this big ass tree fell on top of his car, crushing him. I knew it would be a while until the ambulance makes it all the way to his location so David and I tried to pry him out of there." Emma holds back a scream as I pull the needle through her tender skin. "The car had metal, glass, and branches sticking out every which way. We were successful but in the process, the car crunched even more beneath me when I pulled him out and the broken glass in the window gave me this." She tells me. I shake my head and tie off the last stitch.

"You do know you're not going back right?" I tell her and change my gloves. I grab her a glass of water and pain reliever pills.

"Baby I have to." She whines.

"But you can't." My tone is very serious and she sighs in defeat. She opens her mouth to let me give her the pills and water. I then press the button next to her bed and a nurse comes in a matter of seconds.

"What can I do for you?" She asks kindly.

"I'm going to have to give her a cast." I inform the nurse. She smiles and makes her leave to get all of the things I need. I start to clean off the rest of the blood on Emm's arm so she chooses to talk again.

"You've been here alot lately. Are you going to start working here again?" She asks curiously.

"I'm just warming myself up a little bit." I shrug.

"For what?" She frowns.

"This is my last year as Mayor baby and I'm not running again." I chuckle.

"Good, because I find Dr. Mills hot." She teases. I roll my eyes at her. The nurse comes in with everything I need to give Emma a cast.

"Color?" I ask. She thinks for a moment and smiles.

"Yellow." She states confidently.

"Yellow?!" I scrounge my face in disgust.

"Yes! It'll match my hair and my car." I shake my head at her and roll my eyes.

"I'm giving you red." I state earning a pout from her.

"It'll match your favorite jacket." I try to persuade. There's no way I'm letting her walk around looking like an idiot with a yellow cast on. She smiles at me nods in agreement.

"So...who's going to birth the baby if you're working here." I almost fall out of my seat. She wasn't supposed to know that! I look to her with a shocked expression.

"How did you know?!" I pout.

"You're not good at hiding it." She laughs.

"It was supposed to be a surprise." I whine. She smiles at me and kisses my forehead. "I was going to announce it at the party."

"How far along are you?" She asks me.

"A month or so." I shrug while focusing on the task at hand. "Do you think I'm too old?" I ask her. I really do feel insecure when I'm pregnant.

"Gina, you're only 36." She rolls her eyes at the question. "You're going to be old and wrinkly soon." She teases.

"Ha ha ha. Sooo funny. Have you seen my parents? No grey hairs in sight and they are almost 70, you on the other hand..." I trail.

"Me?!" She scoffs in a shocked expression.

"Yea you. No offense, but alot of you white people look like you're 50 when you're 30." I tease.

"Hey hey hey. Maybe I'll luck out." She pouts.

"I'm sure you will. Your mom looks really young to be 54." I reassure her.

"I don't blame you though. There's fourteen year olds that look like they're 25 and then they think they can do what they want so they start sneaking off to parties and drinking like it's nothing." We both freeze and frown in thought. I look at Emma and she looks at me with a frown. I can tell we're both thinking the same thing.

"I think we might have to change Hannah's name to Rapunzel."

"God, I hope she doesn't act like that." She huffs.

"Yeah, don't hope. She's four and already acting like she's going through puberty." I growl.

"Please let the little muffin in your tummy be like Henry." Emma chuckles.

"Hopefully the little muffin in my tummy doesn't give me a hard time like the twins did." I say in my baby voice.

"That was hell!" Emma laughs.

"You can say that again." I chuckle and tap her arm. "Alright mi amor. You are finito."

"I didn't know you knew Italian." Emma sits up.

"It's nearly the same as espagnol." I shrug and take off my gloves. "Now, let's get you home." I stand with a smile.

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