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~Regina's POV~

Emma is mad at me because she caught me catching up with an old friend one day. Her jealously is beyond the roof. So bad that it makes her look like she has anger management problems that equal to mine.

Graham was an old friend of mine in high school and he was visiting the city on vacation time. He was telling me about this busy city in Maine called StoryBrooke and how he is the sheriff. He said they could use a great surgeon like me there because crime always run amuck. I think about the offer because I'd be getting more money and I won't be tied to my mother's leash anymore. Emma thought I was flirting with him and has been a bitch about it ever since.

"Talk to your boyfriend today?" She pants as she continues to punch the punching bag. We decided to go to the gym this morning instead of going on the trail.

"Jealousy is a bitch baby." I chuckle as I watch. I decided I needed a break. I really don't have much energy after the way we fucked last night. Let me just stay, despite her being pissed with me, it was heaven waking up to her in the morning.

"And you are never wrong." She grumbles and punches faster. "It's so hard keeping you in your place you know? Reminding you that you're mine."

"I can't help but stray just a little." I tease with a shit eating grin. She glares at me and laughs.

"You're lucky I love you." She smiles.

"And you're even luckier that I love you more mi amor." I purr and she bites her lip.

"Don't start something you can't finish." She warns.

"Maybe I don't want to finish it." I shrug. And that was it...this was the day that changed both of our lives forever.

~5 years later, Emma~

"Hannah?! Where are you?" I call out through the small apartment. I hear a fit of giggles coming from the closet. "Hannah?!" I call out again.

"Boo!" The toddler chuckles and runs into my legs.

"There you are! Mommy thought I lost you." I pout and she giggles. This beautiful four year old girl; Blonde, curly hair and Regina's brown eyes and plump lips. Yes, I'm raising her alone, but that doesn't mean Regina doesn't have her work cut out for her either...

"You've got this Regina... one more push." The doctor encouraged.

"I can't, I can't Emma I can't!" Regina screamed out in pain.

"Gina you can do this, just push." I encourage softly.

She let's out a wailing cry and she pushes one good time, crushing my hand in the process. A baby boy pops out. He's crying, green eyes lock with green as they hand him to me. I gently rub the soft brown hair on his head. We didn't know what to expect because we never got an ultrasound or anything. When Regina found out she was pregnant, she broke the news of our affair to Robin, who also ended up admitting that he had an affair as well and a son named Roland. Regina couldn't care less, but she said she had a gut feeling that the baby was mine and I didn't believe her until this little boy came out with piercing green eyes and until...

"Wait, I think there's one more." The doctor calls out again. Regina is still having contractions, that's why I thought he said it, but Regina pushes again because she couldn't bare the pain anymore. Out pops another baby with a head full of blonde hair, definitely confirming that these kids are mine. Regina pants with exhaustion and smiles when the doctor hands over the baby after putting a pink hat on her head.

I'm just standing there dumbfounded. I didn't expect for her to have twins. We were so busy trying to hide her pregnancy and decide whether we should get an abortion instead of taking the time to get Regina checked, but my smile reappears when the doctors confirm the babies are extremely healthy.

"What are we naming them Regina?" I ask her.

She looks over at our baby boy in my arms and smiles. "Henry." She breathes out.

"Hannah?" I ask and she smiles liking the name. Hannah Swan and Henry Mills.

Regina and I weren't together anymore, but I was always there to support her. Her mother threatened her when she found out about the affair and the divorce and scared Regina into leaving me. We got into a huge fight about it and even still, as we stay cordial for our kids, we aren't on good terms. I'm still pissed at her and she's still pissed at me, not only for being mad at her, but for never leaving Ruby after the divorce like I promised.

Ruby didn't find out until she came to the hospital with Granny and Zelena to visit the babies. Once they laid eyes on Hannah everything went to hell. It was not a pretty sight. I managed to cheat on Ruby for, a little, over a year and if the tables were turned, I would have murdered everyone on sight, so I didn't blame her. Regina barely spoke to me after that because it was my fault. I take full blame for it, because if I had ended it sooner when Regina begged me to, when her baby bump first began to show, we wouldn't have been put through hell. She wouldn't have to battle it out with her family as much. The fact that we had an affair for a year only made things worse.

So we made the hardest decision ever. We each took a child and went our separate ways. The only bonding I ever had with my son was the days I sat with Regina in the hospital. That little boy looked like me in so many ways, yet I got stuck with Hannah who looks like a blonde version of Regina and reminds me of the love of my life everyday. The fact that she's a twin pains my soul because she doesn't know... she doesn't know about her mother or her brother. It's so painful, but day in and day out I fight through that pain to make sure she has a happy life.

"Mommy! I want mac n cheeses." She pleads.

"Not yet honey. It isn't lunch time." I say softly, still it doesn't work. She throws a tantrum and stops away in anger. Yup...very much like her mother.

"Hannah." I scold.

"No! Mac n cheeses!" She yells at me with her little voice.

"Hannah! Calm down right now!" I scold. I really don't feel like spanking her. Sometimes I feel bad for it because she can't help it, it's a genetic thing and me spanking her because of her anger issues isn't going to make a difference. I usually spank her when she does things that she knows she's not supposed to. When she rolls her eyes at me. All I see is Regina and I sigh.

I walk over to the computer and check on my email. I had recently emailed a man about a new job position in a city called storybrooke. They were looking for a deputy. I graduated college about a year after the twins were born and went to the academy just for the benefits. The sheriff of this city said I was fit for the job and asked if I could start soon. I smile happily, being proud of myself for obtaining a well paying job. I didn't hesitate to email this Sheriff Graham back.

StoryBrooke... here I come!

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