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Regina has her headphones sitting tight in her ears as she jogs through the hiking trail. She doesn't know why, but Ariana Grande began to play. She rolls her eyes as thoughts of Emma began to swarm her mind. Emma fucking her senseless...Emma taking complete dominance over her...Emma erasing all of the dark thoughts in her head.

She wished Emma could be her's. She wishes she could just leave Robin, but there is still Ruby. Ruby is head over heals for Emma and Regina doesn't want to break her little cousin's heart.

And her mother...her mother is going to shun her for, not only breaking Ruby's heart or having an affair, but for being with a woman in the first place.

Regina finds her herself punching a tree over and over again as if the tree ruined her life. Instead of the tree receiving any form of damage, it is all recoiling back to her knuckles. She doesn't care if they are bleeding or if her fingers would break (she should since she's a surgeon). She suddenly feels someone grab her wrists and slamming her back against the tree.

Emma pulls out Regina's headphones and frowns at her angered girlfriend. Regina struggles a little before she gives up and summits to the glaring blonde hovering above her. Regina sighs and soon hums when Emma trails kisses along her neck.

"I'm sorry." Regina mumbles and flutters her eye lids closed.

"What did I tell you Regina..." Emma growls then bites down hard on Regina's soft spot.

"T-that..." Regina yelps as Emma sucks with so much force that causes much needed pain but brings pleasure to her aching core.

"Say it." Emma orders coldly and looks deeply into Regina's eyes.

"You said that if I slipped again that..." Regina huffs not wanting to finish in public, even though there is rarely anyone who jogs at 4 o'clock in the morning. She had learned a few months ago that Emma goes to the gym and jogs back home and found herself falling for the young blonde even more.

"You were gonna get it right?" Emma finishes for her.

"Mhmm." Regina bites her lip as her eyes lingers on Emma's toned muscles and the thin layer of sweat that makes her skin shine.

~Regina's POV ~

I turn away from her and I continue down the trail, deciding to walk this time. Emma keeps up right next to me and focuses her eyes on the road ahead of her. I love her so much and the fact that she cares about my anger problems makes me fall for her even more.'s not that he doesn't care but its like he does things knowing I will get angry about it and he doesn't even bother to help me calm down. I've ended up breaking so many things in our home. He'd just shrug it off and replace it.

"Why were you upset?" She asks softly not wanting to destroy the peaceful feeling that nature brings to us. The cool misty air is very soothing and the sounds of nature on it's own could leave you stuck in your head forever.

"You aren't mine." I frown and clench my fists. I feel her gloved hands pry my fists open and lock with mine. She was kick boxing earlier and I'd give my life to see her practice one day. She rests her other hand on her hip as she looks over to me. I rest my head on her shoulder, listening to her quickened pulse that slowly calms down.

"I am your's baby. I tell you that every day." Emma sighs.

"You aren't mine mine." I mumble. She groans, finally realizing what I mean. We stop walking and she kicks at the dirt a bit and rests her hands behind her head.

"We'll figure it out Gina." Emma assures me. I roll my eyes feeling like it's not going to happen because if it were, it would have five months ago after she fucked me at my mother's house.

Everything is my fault. I'm 32 and I'm in love with a 20 year old sophomore in college who, I so happened, to steal from my cousin. And she can't leave my cousin because we are both too guilty to break the bad news to her, but having an affair doesn't make it any better. The longer we do this, the harder it gets.

My phone rings; it's my mother. That woman is beyond infuriating.

"Hola mama." I answer and watch as Emma begins to stretch a few feet away.

"Que haces?" She asks coldly.

"I'm out jogging." I sigh. "Why?"

"I need you to do me a favor." She continues and I immediately shake my head as if she can see me.

"No...go and bother Zelena to do your favors" I spit in spanish.

"This one is one that I need you to do mijah."

"If it has to do with the emergency" I growl.

"You'll do it or I wont hesitate tell your boss that you are off your meds and aren't mentally fit to be in charge of emergency surgeries. Anyways, I have to go I'll call you soon."

She hangs up the phone and I immediately launch mine at a tree with full force. It shatters into pieces as it falls to the ground.

That woman! I wish she were dead. There's nothing more that I hate than my incompetent and heartless mother. I run my hands through my hair, trying to control my breath as it increases because of my anger. I can't even imagine what she wants me to do for her.

I feel Emma's cool hand rest on my shoulder and I immediately calm down. My eyes flutter close again and I take in deep, lingering breathes. Her other hand rests on my other shoulder and she begins to massage my aching muscles.

"1...2...3...4..." she counts softly in a way to guide me. 10 counts in, 10 counts out. Its something she always enforced on me and it always works after a while. "Whatever it don't have to listen to Cora..."

"She threatened me with my job Emma." I sigh and turn to face her. I see a hint of pity in her eyes and I glare at her it. "Don't." I snap. She rolls her eyes and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to." She mumbles and kisses the side of my forehead. I instantly forgive her. I always will.

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