in which the World Champions are named

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Thomas could barely breathe. His eyes were watering in pain, as they went into overtime. The only thing on his mind was the trophy, this is what he trained practically his whole life for. This was what he was living for. Well the trophy and Libby of course. 

Libby.... meine Liebe, Thomas smiled and felt energized somehow, thinking of how cliche it was at that moment. He thought of all the times Libby had pushed him to be his best, just as he had to her.

He recalled that night, his emotions faltering for a moment, when Libby had declared her love for Erik, but Thomas didn't ask Libby about it. He felt like it would strain their relationship, and if Libby really loved him, she would only love Erik as a friend.

RIght? Thomas shrugged off the thoughts and focused on the game of his life.

It took more than 90 minutes for the Germans to prove that they were champions, but they finally did it.  Libby watched from the stands, and didn't want to rush onto the field.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Thomas came to her as soon as he could, lifting Libby and twirling her around, completely exhausted. Libby wrapped her arms around him, grinning.

They were champions.

Libby didn't think she would be able to see Thomas until the next day, but she proudly clapped and cheered as he claimed his medal and walked down the steps, getting high fived.

Manuel received his golden glove trophy along with a trophy for Messi, and then all of them raised the FIFA World Cup Trophy. The biggest honor in football history.

It was all so surreal to Thomas. It was surreal to everyone, in that matter. Thomas couldn't help but think that without Hope and Libby, and that freaking FIFA Masquerade Ball, this could have never happened.

 As soon as they came down, Faith jumped on Erik, kissing him like it was the last day on Earth. Photographers swooned over them, clicking their cameras.

Libby crossed her arms, turning to Hope, ignoring Erik. She was a bit bummed that Thomas probably wouldn't do anything that Erik and Faith would do, but nothing could make her upset right now: not even Erik.

"LIEBE!" Thomas bellowed, after a while, Libby meeting the other players and hugging them.

"THOMAS!" Libby squealed and leapt into his arms. Thomas held her closely, and in that moment, it was silent.

The beating of his heart rhythmically in her ear. Both of them were extremely sweaty, smelling horrendous. She was so freaking proud of the lanky doofus that stood before her.

Thomas mustered up all of his courage and lifted Libby's chin. "I love joo." He crookedly smiled.

"Ich liebe dich Thomas," Libby smiled. Libby glanced over at Erik, who was kissing Faith on the cheek and grinning. Libby's smile faltered, and Thomas furrowed his eyebrows.

He followed her eyes and smirked. Libby looked back, but had no chance to react as Thomas's lips crashed onto hers. Libby's eyes widened but she smiled, melting into his sweet kiss. Thomas held her tighter, almost grinning at the attention the cameras were giving them.

When they pulled apart, the camera men fled and ran towards Bastian and Lukas, who were pretending to kiss. Everyone was so happy and it was perfect.

Libby grabbed her phone and opened the camera app, Thomas seizing it and immediately taking billions of pictures of everyone around them, and finally of them. Thomas stuck his tongue out and Libby widely smiled. Then Thomas smiled and Libby stuck her tongue out, both laughing at how they could never agree on a pose.

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