in which Libby walks & Bastian talks [new years update]

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  • Dedicated to happy neuer squad <3


It wasn't until two weeks later, that Libby finally ditched the crutches and started walking with a boot.

She still didn't want to not use her crutches, so she always kept them near. She wasn't letting herself get better, and everyone could see that.

It felt great not being on crutches, but Libby felt sluggish. She would sit on the bench while Hope trained, forced to clap and watch Hope progress, while she became a useless former star player.

"Libs, did you see that save I made against Thomas?!" Hope rushed over and high fived her. Libby smiled.

"Yeah...yeah I did..." Libby muttered to herself.

Libby rubbed the back of her neck and looked up at the sky. Libby looked beside her, spotting her crutches. 

She grabbed them and more or less walked out of the stadium, following the windy hallways, exiting and entering the sidewalk, where she didn't see many people at.

She was finally alone. Except it was her thoughts that she could never get away from. 

What if she could never get better? What if her talent had left her and she was just dragging the team down? 

"Liebe!" A voice called out, disrupting all of Libby's thoughts. She turned around to meet the crooked smile she had come to love.

"Erik, what are you doing? You need to go back!" Libby almost screamed at how irresponsible he was being. Philipp would probably kill him. And then kill him again.

Erik was drenched in sweat, his hair matted to his forehead and he stunk like last week's garbage.

He simply laughed and grabbed Libby's crutches.

"ERIK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Libby screamed at the top of her lungs, hopping on her good leg. 

"Liebe, I know joo don't need," Erik waved the crutches around as Libby tried to reach for them. She beat his back as he started walking back

"YES I DO NEED THEM ERIK DURM GIVE THEM BACK!" Libby shouted. Erik quickly stopped and turned around and grabbed Libby's shoulders. He came in close to her face and Libby was scared stiff.

"Joo know joo can do this right?" Erik nodded wisely.

"Wow I feel so much better!" She said sarcastically and started running after him after he took off again with a cackle. She tackled him and they toppled to the ground.

Libby grabbed the crutches and whacked him with one of them. He merely laughed. 

"See Liebe, joo just run..." Erik smirked. Libby turned back and stared in awe.

She had just run.  Libby had freaking run on her ankle with the boot and without crutches.

"Oh my god! ERIK I could kiss you right now!" Libby said as he engulfed her in a hug.

"Go ahead," Erik said jokingly. Libby looked at him for a split second and kissed him on the cheek, feeling a surge of emotions for him. 

"Donkey," Libby whispered, smiling and walking back to the stadium, with a trailing sweaty Erik grinning behind her, holding the crutches proudly in his hands.

Erik's fingers touched his cheek, still burning from the kiss, as he finished training. The smile on his face didn't go away, and there was a permanent blush, thank goodness for the weather being a little warmer than usual.

 On the other hand, Bastian hadn't spoken to Hope since the hospital and things were falling apart, more or less.

He watched her be an amazing goalie and not even pay the slightest attention to him. It was like he wasn't alive to her anymore.

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