in which Libby grabs his hand

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Thomas was surprised to see Libby return to training the next day, alongside Hope, carrying her large bag on her shoulder, in football sweats and a t shirt, contradicting the chilly weather.

"Hi," Hope said quietly. Thomas nodded to acknowledge them, he was still pretty angry, even if he didn't want to admit. Thomas's crooked smile was replaced with a grim straight face, which bore holes into Libby's soul as she passed him.

Philipp hugged both of them. Libby backed away though, smiling a small smile and sort of pushing him away.

Philipp just shook it off and watched Bastian engulf Hope into a hug. None of them made anything of it, and both of them stood beside each other.

Mesut didn't show up, he was with his girlfriend for the week, so they were left with Philipp as the "sane" one.

"Meet up over there after warm up." Philipp shouted, obviously frustrated. But who wouldn't be at this point.

Everyone started to jog around the stadium, and after twenty minutes, stopping for water and plopping down on the stands.

"Joo all here to train, agree?" Philipp nodded, and everyone followed. Thomas didn't mean to, but he kept glancing at Libby, noticing her face scrunched up just as it was as the masquerade ball.

And that was when Thomas realized how much Libby had changed in the past one and a half months.

She hadn't worn that scowl, but a smile. She furrowed her eyebrows, and then with them she flattened her forehead with a grin, looking happy.

But now she was back to the serious, stressed Libby Stimme, Thomas had never gotten to know. And he didn't want to know

He had to do something about it. Of course, if she let him.

Thomas knew that Manuel, Bastian, Mesut, and Philipp had gone over to their house and had not returned until three hours later, with no luck of helping the sobbing Libby.

Thomas didn't know what he had exactly done. He figured his mind was clogged up with so many epty thoughts that he didn't realize how much of a jerk he was being.

He really wanted to apologize, but what was the point if Libby was going to ignore him anyway.

Thomas focused back on Philipp, who spoke again, "SO joo all need to focus because we no here for love."

Thomas almost scoffed, but held back, because obviously there was some tension in the air.

If he wasn't mistaken he thought he saw Erik quickly look at Libby, both making a split second eye contact.

He ignored it though. Was he giving up on love forever? But then again, when did he start trying with love?

"Understand?" Philipp said looking around at everyone who nodded. Libby glanced down at her fingernails, suddenly immersed in her cuticles and not making eye contact with Philipp, who looked down at her.

"Gud, now Manu and Liebe there to practice the three skills and penalty techniques." Phillip pointed to the north side of the pitch, "and 'Ope, Thomas, and Basti, there to penalties."

Erik was completely ignored by Philipp, so he slipped off the field and decided to drive home.

Libby caught Erik before he left though, "Erik?"

"Liebe, joo no talk to me!" He said alarmed, pulling away.

"No, wait, just one thing..." She started.

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