in which there is hope for them

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Libby woke in a cold sweat, finding herself alone in her bed covers, with only a sports bra on.

What had happened last night?! Libby thought to herself, panicked. Libby quickly got up and exited her room, not bothering to brush her hair or teeth, in a rush for the explanation to her pounding headache and vague memories.

"Hope!" She called out and found her in the kitchen eating some grapes. Libby completely forgot about being mad at her, as she sat down next to her.

"Libby, you were drunk as eff last night..." Hope muttered, taking a grape and plopping it in her mouth. Libby looked away for a second, hiding her growing smile, resisting the temptation to laugh.

"Why are you laughing? I'm still mad at you, you know?" Hope crossed her arms.

"I'm laughing because I swore that bad things happened when I drink, but I did it anyway, but nothing bad has happened, right?" Libby took a sip from the glass of water Hope had,"and Hope, you aren't mad at me okay?" 

"Yeah, I know I'm not Libs, sorry about blowing up on you like that..." Hope shook her head. Libby suddenly realized how selfish she was actually being.

"Bastian?" Libby asked, touching Hope's shoulder.

Hope shrugged, "how would I know? He hasn't made the slightest effort..." 

"Aw, Hope, I'm sorry babe, but maybe he's scared, you know? You can be a bit intimidating!" Libby laughed, her hangover lessening by the second.

"Yeah, I guess..." Hope smiled and shrugged again.

" you know what happened...I mean I remember walking without my boot and then swimming for a bit, and feeling bad that you weren't there...but that's about it honestly."

"Well...I don't know what you did with Thomas, but Mesut had to practically rip you guys apart when he drove you home, poor guy, Mesut he is..." Hope said stretching her legs out.

"Wait WHAT?!" Libby practically slammed her cup down, getting the wrong idea in her head. Libby thought she would have remembered something like having sex.

"Calm down, it's about time it happened too!" Hope chuckled. 

"W-what do you mean?" Libby stammered.

"You guys said I love you apparently...loud enough for poor old Mesut to hear and laugh about it!" Hope smiled.

Libby had no words, she couldn't believe herself. She felt relieved for a split second as well.

She had confessed her love to someone (apparently) and she didn't even remember it? Just her kind of luck...

"Libs, it's okay, if you don't remember it, there's no way he will," Hope stood up and put a few dishes in the sink, beginning to wash them.

"What'd you do yesterday anyway?" Libby said, feeling guilt again. Hope shrugged, not facing Libby.

"Hope? What? Did you do something bad?" Libby said more hastily.

"I-I was tired of moping around, so I-I just went down to the club, y'know? Like old Hope..Bastian-less Hope?" Hope's smile wavered. Libby didn't know what to say, she knew if she scolded her, Hope would break down into tears, so she merely nodded.

"Whatever, just get back together with Bastian, bro," Libby changed the topic quickly.

"I think you confessing your love for Thomas Muller is more important."

To Libby is totally was...


Thomas had been at training with the rest of the guys, all of them only feeling slightly hungover, since they had gotten used to it over the years. Not that they were alcoholics or anything.

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