in which the press asks their questions

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It wasn't too bad of a day until Libby stared at her dress that was draped across her bed. She exhaled loudly, slipping into the uncomfortable outfit.

Even having more or less made up with the team, Libby still felt like the press was just going to release anger that had once been forgotten.

And she was scared.

For the most part, Libby had always found a way to laugh off weird questions, but an hour later Libby sat in a chair, squirming next to Hope and Philipp, as the reporters filed in and sat in their seats, creating a buzzing atmosphere.

A bottle of water was set out in front of her, which Libby immediately grasped and drowned in two long sips.

"Joo okay?" Philipp whispered concerned. Libby looked around, flustered and wiped a bead of sweat that fell down her face.

"Yeah...why wouldn't I be?" She said in a stern tone and sat back again to examine the crowd.

"Don't worry Liebe," She heard Bastian mutter from beside Philipp. Philipp had forced all of the guys to stay away from Hope and Libby, in order to reduce suspicion of relationships between the germans and girls.

"I don't think I'm capable of not worrying..." Libby mumbled to herself, hearing a hush surround them as the reporters readied their recorders and cameras, eager to begin.

There was a bit of silence, before Manuel perked up and leaned forward. It was as if the reporters mimicked him.

"First question?" He said in a slow, deep voice. There was an immediate roar between the people, who waved maniacally at the panel of players.

There was a reporter who stood on her chair, with black hair and asian features and got to ask her question.

Let the games begin. Libby thought to herself.

"Hello, to start off, how you all doing?" She asked with her eyebrows raised as if this question was super important.

Everyone looked around.

"We...well we gud." Philipp said weakly. The reporters guffawed. The lady looked really disappointed.

"I mean, how is training going?" She let out a exhausted laugh.

Philipp turned a crimson shade, Mesut almost dying in laughter as he tried to answer the question.

Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as I thought, Libby giggled as Philipp finally answered the question.

"Amazing! Liebe und Hope have improved much und they almost ready! Germany improve too, but these girls wonderful!" Philipp finished, getting a smile from the crowd and intense scribbling on some reporter's pages.

Libby caught Thomas's eye, who smiled and looked away quickly.

"Next question?" Manuel said once more, obviously annoyed by how unorganized and long this was taking.

"Uh yes, me!" A man with a strange mustache yelled.

"Yes?" Hope said, almost rolling her eyes with Manuel.

"Well my question is to Manuel," he said. Manuel folded his arms across his chest and nodded.

"Do you think Hope has helped you improve or have you helped her more?" The man asked in German. Philipp whispered the translation to Libby, who smiled at the question.

But she smiled more at the response, that Philipp also translated.

"He said, Of course, I think this whole time, Jogi Low brought them here because we needed more help. And they have done that." 

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