in which Philipp speaks

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It wasn't until the next day that Libby found out why Thomas was acting strange yesterday.

Philipp had decided to come over to her house when Hope had left with Bastian. It was in the shortest notice that Libby had to clean everything and look presentable to the captain of the Germany national team.

"Liebe!" Philipp smiled and wrapped her in a hug as she welcomed him inside. He took off his jacket and set it on the couch, sitting down, a worried expression pasted on his face.

"How are you Philipp?" Libby asked, trying to get a way of asking him why he needed to so urgently come to her house.

"Gud, gud, und joo?" He asked, looking a bit frazzled.

"...good." Libby said, scared of what was to come. She set down some juice in from of him, which he gladly drank.

"So...what's up?" She asked, sitting in a couch in front of him. He looked like he was trying to figure out a way to tell her something really important.

"Well, Liebe, I know joo and Erik had uh...some.." Philipp started.

"Woah, woah, wait." Libby stopped him midsentence, finally realizing why he was here. The color drained from her face as she stood up.

"Get out, Philipp." Was all she said. She felt like kicking him, but she resisted, because she kinda admired him. And he was in fact, her "coach" more or less.

"Nein, Liebe, I just van joo to be happy!" Philipp remained sitting, juice in hand. Libby crossed her arms, but plopped back down in her chair.

"First answer my questions, then you can talk." Libby said sternly. Philipp nodded politely.

"Why can't Thomas look at me? And why do I always hear him say Lisa or something?" 

It was true, in the past weeks, everytime she would pass him, he would hear phrases, stuff with the name Lisa embedded in.

Philipp faked a smile and cleared his throat.

"Well, Thomas engage to Lisa, they end because Lisa cheat on him. He loved her still, and Lisa was one to end it becuase it so horrible and Thomas was not playing well, und he was unhealthy. So she end it by leaving Germany und never talk him again."

It suddenly dawned on Libby. She all of a sudden felt horrible, but angry. Why hadn't Thomas told her this? Why did he let her trash on him when there was a clear cut reason? 

But most important, why did he not trust her with this?

"So...I remind him of her? Is that why he hates me?" Libby asked, scared for the answer, as Philipp looked away.

"Liebe, no, no. Thomas no hate joo." Philipp almost laughed at the thought, because he pretended not to know what was happening with Thomas, but he knew exactly what he felt, "Thomas like joo. A lot."

Libby almost spewed her juice everywhere.

"What?" She said in an almost yelling voice. That couldn't be true.

"So that all jour question?" He asked, trying not to give Thomas away. He kind of wanted Thomas to solve his own problems, and not be with Libby anyway.

That was why he was here, to get Libby to focus on training, of course.

Libby was speechless, but nodded anyway.

"So I just want joo to know that joo here to train and be better, und being in romance will distract und cause drama." Philipp said sternly.

Libby was pretending to listen to his whole facade, but zoned out in the ocean of her thoughts.

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