in which there are drinks

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[this is annoying of me, but PLEASE READ THE ITALICIZED NOTE AT THE END--now to the first update of 2015! :)]

The last time Hope and Libby had gotten into an argument, it had been about how much of a loser Libby was and how she needed to go get some guys and start her life.

She would have never expected an argument as big as this to happen. Libby was hardcore ignoring Hope ever since she made it seem like it was all her fault all of this had happened.

In a way it is...Libby thought to herself, but quickly shook off the thought. 

All she had wanted to do was walk again, and now she realized how much of a burden she actually was on the team.

The guys had training early in the morning, so Libby woke up bright and early for the first time in a long time and headed out to grab some groceries, since they had eaten most of the food in a premature celebratory mood.

She grabbed a sweatshirt, more or less coincidentally being Thomas's, and a beanie, remembering how precocious  Philipp had been towards her, and how Mesut had backed him up in her health.

Libby picked up her keys and her phone and headed out the door without looking back to even wonder how Hope was doing.

But if Libby just happened to be wondering in the back of her mind as to what Hope was doing, Hope was sobbing in her bedroom, clutching a pillow to her chest and refusing to let herself eat or sleep. Her mind was focused on the one thing she couldn't let go of: Bastian freaking Schweinsteiger.

It wasn't that he hadn't apologized, because he had multiple times, it was just that she didn't want to be lied to and used as a backup to this perfect angel named Sarah.

She wasn't going to let herself be thrown around like a useless toy. She was her own, strong, independent, woman. 

Then why are you lying here like a hot mess, Hope Solo, you're the best goalie in America, get yourself together and go have some fun

 Hope wiped her face and tied her hair back up and trudged out the door.


After picking up bags of groceries, Libby limped back to the car, almost dropping one of the bags. She flipped over the trunk with her pinky, which got clipped and Libby jumped back.

"Ow!" Libby yelped, getting a strange look from a man next to her, making her think of how Thomas would laugh at her and mock her.

Libby blushed, and blushed even more when realizing that she was actually blushing over Thomas Muller.

Never in a million years would she have thought...

She piled the bags in the trunk and sat in the car puffing her breath out. Usually when she had nothing to do (which was often), she would call up Hope and she would meet up with her after her training. 

As if on cue, Libby's phone rang. She fluffled up her hair and let out her breath once again, clicking a button to pick up the phone.


"Liebe, I send joo address, and joo come now!" A fuzzy voice screamed through the phone. Libby cringed and then smiled as the phone hung up.

Her phone buzzed and she entered the address into her phone. It didn't show what the place was called, but she went anyways, excited to see what was waiting for her.

Libby must have driven for at least an hour, her fuel getting lower by the second. She wasn't as worried as she was excited.

She had come to realize that the Germans had completely changed her and how she reacted to things like this. 

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