in which they go to Brazil

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"What?" Thomas pursed his lips, blinking a few times.

Libby forgot that she couldn't talk, and opened her mouth, a small squeaking noise coming out. Clenching her teeth she stood up, her muscles spazzing in pain. 

She grabbed a pen from the kitchen counter and started writing quickly, her handwriting sprawled across the notepad in blue ink.

I think there's enough on the line with the world cup, thomas, everyone will hate me anyway, and i need to train.

Thomas furrowed his eyebrow and grabbed the pen, after taking a moment or two to understand what she had written.

But you don't want to watch us win! 

Thomas looked pleased with his English writing. smiling like a preschooler. Libby giggled.

I do...I just think what Hope said today was true

Libby sighed. Thomas let out a gasp and rolled his eyes.

Liebe, it not your fault you get injury.

Libby wrote back a couple of seconds later, feeling pressured all of a sudden. Before now, she was certain of training here with special trainers instead of cheering on her "team" in Brazil.

So you really want me to go?

Thomas looked into Libby's eyes, which were wide with worry.

He pressed his lips onto hers, again, and kissed her, putting his hand behind her head and moving in sync with her.

Libby quickly scribbled something on the paper, and Thomas glanced down.

I'll take that as a yes? 

Thomas laughed and nodded. Libby leaned her head down so that his lips were pressed against her forehead. 

"Liebe...I really want joo uh..come with us...with me," Thomas said quietly. This was as quiet Libby had heard him ever before.

Libby closed her eyes and nodded.

"So will joo come?" Thomas said, practically pleading. Libby took a deep breath and nodded again, trying not to be influenced by Thomas's eyes that stared into hers, prying her every fiber of resistance. Thomas cheered and hugged her tightly.

"I love joo Liebe, I love joo so much..." Thomas cried out, feeling a great burst of emotion. 

I love you too, Libby thought, wanting to yell it out aloud to the world. She wanted people to know how happy Thomas made her feel, how her heart swelled when Thomas laughed with his mouth wide open, slapping his knee.

"Maybe I go get some medicine for joo?" Thomas asked, rubbing her arm in concern. Libby lifted the blanket over her head. She didn't want to admit it, but she ddin't want Thomas to leave her anytime soon.

Oh gosh Libby, you're turning into some lame cliche, Libby thought to herself.

"Liebe?" Thomas raised the blanket, finding Libby shaking her head again.

" medicine?" Thomas compromised. Libby smiled and sat back up, leaning against Thomas again. 

Thomas asked no questions, but kissed her forehead again. He sat with her in his arms, silent until Thomas was lightly snoring against Libby's soft breath evening out, as they both fell into deep sleeps.

The days went by (Libby's voice easily coming back the next day, so she could finally tell Thomas to be quiet, not that she minded him talking), quickly, as if not happening. Libby went along with getting closer with Thomas and further apart with Hope.

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