in which Libby Stimme and Thomas Müller are introduced

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As if her life wasn't chaotic enough, Libby Stimme had been given the task to play forward in the next US National Women's Soccer Team game. Now she had to dedicate her already used time to something that she had no idea in doing.

Libby Stimme was going to fail. And not just a small fail that a couple of people noticed and shrugged off in a couple of minutes, but an epic fail, in which the world would see that Libby Stimme was not the best female footballer and turn their backs on her stupid self.

Even if there was six months until this game that balanced her career on the brink of success, Libby knew that the time was going to run out quickly. And that caused her to believe in giving up now and not wasting her time in the task.

For you to understand how demanding Libby Stimme's task was, imagine trying to finish 198,453,188 essays in a time span of one hour. And this is no exageration, she was immortally in danger and she knew her career was being flushed down the toilet.

As she stood in her shower later that night, her mind unfurled at the thought of losing her job just for one position she was to play in six months.

She groaned loudly and thumped her head against the wall, the water splashing against her muscular, yet lean, body.

Libby's life was nothing but soccer, and everyone around her knew. While her teammates partied all night with random boys and went home to their husbands, she stayed at home, practicing almost similar to 24/7.

She almost felt alone. Almost. Libby was the type of girl that was independent and didn't want to distract herself with boys, let alone the paparazi that her teammates usually got. Whenever she went online to catch up with her fans and news, she noticed a headline about a member of her team.

It was like they got a kick out of it. Frowning, Libby slid into her bed, pulling the covers over her. She knew she would have a massive headache in the morning from sleeping with a wet head, but her body shut down immediately, leaving her dreams to be a nightmare about the soccer ball trampling her while she played forward.


Thomas Muller was an incredible footaballer, and everyone knew that. His position as forward couldn't have been better layed out for him in this league.

Germany had specifically picked him for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, and he was ecstatic about it, especially since he was a candidate for the golden boot and rumors were buzzing about what he was bringing to this tournament.

To sum it all up, he was the star of Germany's team, although his team were his brothers and he would never let the fame get to him.

"große Praxis heute Jungs. ich kann die Trophäe in den Händen fühlen," Coach had shouted as they all happily changed in the locker rooms. Coach had said, "Great practice today guys, I can feel the trophy in our hands."

Thomas and his team shuffled out of the locker room, high fiving him for his spectacular goal near the end of practice.

"Hey guys, wanna head over to my place for dinner?" Thomas shouted, getting a pat on the back from Neuer, the goalie.

The guys mumbled a bit, with sad expressions on their faces.

"I have a date with-" Mesut, his good friend and teamate, started, getting cut off by Thomas.

"Your girlfriend?" Thomas cringed. Every since his massive breakup with Lisa, his to-be wife, things hadn't been the same for him.

It was like every night he felt almost alone. Almost.

The rest of the guys nodded along, also having plans with their families and girlfriend, leaving Thomas standing in the hallway with his bag alone.



Hey guys! It's been an incredibely long time since I've written a story, and I really want this to be good. If you guys don't know already, I'm basocally obsessed with Germany and Brazil at the moment, thus producing this :)

If you don't like Müller or Germany, just think of Neymar or Oscar or whomever, even Brenton Thwates will do (yum)


I know this isn't enough, but if you keep reading it's going to get good :*


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