in which the masquerade ball happens and many things go wrong

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February 1st was welcomed by all in Berlin, Germany, especially Libby Stimme. She couldn't wait to get her soccer cleats on and rush onto the field.

Libby had woken up bright and early to get to the pitch. She wore a broad smile, tightening her laces as she packed everything and anything she needed for the ball this afternoon. She had told Hope to tell the chauffeur to bring the bus around the stadium when they were to be at the ball.

There was no flaw in the plan, Libby thought to herself triumphantly, as she walked a few blocks, her bag that weighed itself down with her disgusting dress. It was okay to look like a witch at the ball, because her face was going to be covered by a mask anyways.

Most of the girls would be running around the hotel, preparing for "the most amazing night of their lives"

She hoped they didn't get too carried away with the male soccer teams, because it was bound to happen, and most of the men had wives and girlfriends. Even kids.

She finally got into the stadium, showing her ID and paying some money. Libby threw down her bag into the empty stands and chucked the ball to midfield. She strutted across the field, chuckling a bit as she crossed an item off her mentally kept bucket list.

It was like Libby's spirits had been completely lifted as she practiced her moves with deep concentration. She didn't care for any other players on the field, as she only needed a portion of it ,and another group had entered the stadium, obviously having the same idea as her.

After all, she was playing soccer in Berlin, what could ruin this day?


Thomas needed to get his mind off of Lisa. He had a dream about her last night, and her pictures with a new guy that she had posted wasn't helping his self esteem. He decided it was because he hadn't kicked a ball in a week, and happily trotted down the street to the stadium with Bastian and a few other team members who needed to get their minds off of things too and settle their nerves for the ball tonight. To their relief, they had no interviews or photo shoots planned for today.

They quickly scanned their cards and shuffled in. They were familiar with the place, having won a couple of matches here before, and threw balls in the field.

Thomas noticed a figure in the middle of the field, practicing some moves. The player seemed to have the same idea as him, which made him curious. He couldn't tell if it was a girl or boy, because it was shrouded by a sweatshirt and sweatpants (the weather had dropped tremendously today, but shrugged it off as Mesut kicked the ball at him.

They played keep-away for what seemed like forever but Thomas had enjoyed it thoroughly, because it seemed to settle his nerves down a lot.

The player was still practicing his or her midfielder moves, which were surprisingly good.

"I should probably go and show him how its done," Bastian muttered to Thomas, both of them chuckling. Thomas thought back to the days where he played midfielder, before discovering his talent as forward. Now, Bastian was the best midfielder and Thomas was supposedly the best forward for Germany.

They strode out of the field, most of them not even looking back, but Thomas looked back. The player was focused on the ball, and nothing more.

He wished he could be that determined for something.


Libby looked foolish in a long red dress as she changed in the stadium bathroom. She had manged to work up a shower, which was ice cold, and had to puff extra sprays of perfume to mask the sweaty composure of herself.

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