in which Thomas and Libby recover [christmas update]

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"Manuel, please stop licking the can, there is NO more nutella..." Philipp rubbed his forehead, as a headache formed.

Manuel looked sadly at the container that was empty, as Philipp had said.

"Fine, Mesut and I will go get you some more, if Liebe wakes up, tell her we went downstairs," Philipp slammed his magazine down and pulled Mesut's arm and dragged him out.

Libby's surgery had apparently went very problematically, but she was okay for now. Everyone was worreid whether she would be able to play as she had before.

As Libby woke up to a sleeping Thomas (drool dripping onto her hand, to which he was holding).

The world was blurry, with the medicine wearing off quickly.

"Libs, how are ya?" Hope came to her side. Libby sat up and stretched.

"I-I think I'm okay?" Libby said, cracking a smile, feeling a bit dizzy. Hope patted her head and sat in a chair next to the bed.

A sharp pain struck through Libby's head, but she merely winced a bit, Hope not noticing anything.

"Libby, you know I love you right?" Hope said, suddenly interested in her nails. Libby's stomach dropped, partly because she was completely starving.

"Uh...why are you telling me that...I know that," Libby laughed, uncertain.

"And I'm sorry I haven't been talking with you much, it's just know with Bastian and everything....I hope you understand," Hope looked down at her hands again, frowning. She felt horrible for not giving Libby any attention.

Libby moved her hand from Thomas to Hope's hand, and forced a smile through the regaining pain through her body.

"I love you too, okay?" Libby said, "and girl, you and Bastian go have fun." 

Hope's expression darkened. Libby had never seen Hope's face change so quickly.

"What, what happened?" Libby asked more alarmed, wincing oncemore at her ankle, which she hadn't looked at yet and was too scared to.

"He-he's not over his last girlfriend, Libs, and she's perfect!" Hope said exasperated.

"Oh my goodness, why do you think that?" Libby's hand flew up to her face.

"I mean...the other night we were out at dinner, and he was constantly checking his phone and looking so freaking flustered," Hope put her head in her hands, shaking her head.

"And, when he was talking he kept calling me Sarah, 'Sarah this, Sarah that'" Hope mumbled out, her voice wavering as she continued, "Then he left for the bathroom, and I guess cause he was so flustered, he left his phone, so I had to check it, right? Was that wrong?"

"No, no, Hope, it's okay," Libby ran her hand on Hope's shoulder. She was familiar with being called someone else, with Thomas is was Lisa, whoever she was.

"So then, I read the recent texts from this Sarah girl and it said.." Hope's voice broke off, "I miss you Basti, and I don't want to cause trouble but we need to talk."

"Wasn't it in German?" Libby asked. Hope nodded.

"I took a picture of it, so I didn't know at the time, but I translated his reply too, and it said, I miss you too baby, and I'll come to your place on Saturday at 8," 

"Does he know you read it?" 

"No..." Hope wiped her tears and smiled again, "But don't worry about me, what about you are you okay?"

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