in which there is ice cream

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[November 2]

It was a great day after Libby realized how much she didn't care what anyone but her own team mates thought of her.

After training, she had looked in the mirror and noticed the slight upturn of her lips. She was actually smiling. 


Erik had finally had the guts to talk to Libby after training the next day, and it wasn't disastrous.

"Liebe!" Erik shouted, jogging towards her, his shirt and water bottle in hand. Libby said goodbye to Mesut, with whom she was having a great conversation with about chocolate and it's magical qualities.

"See joo tomorrow, Liebe," Mesut slapped her back and walked off, putting his arm around Philipp, who laughed with him out of the stadium.

Libby had noticed that Philipp had eased up on her and the guys. That was really great.

"Hi!" Libby replied to Erik, who started walking in sync with her, his sweaty arm brushing hers.

"How are joo?" Erik asked, realizing that he had nothing to talk about. Libby shrugged.

"Never been better, you?" Libby smiled. 

"Gud," Erik grinned. Libby's heart almost melted when she saw his left cheek transform into a dimple and his cheeks flourish with a blush.

They walked in an awkward silence, until Libby cleared her throat.

"Hey, you wanna go get some ice cream?" Libby asked, because she knew Erik was scared of anything and everything she did now. She could tell he had not talked to her because Philipp had been so strict and he actually felt ashamed of what he had brought upon Libby.

Now that she was happy again, Erik took his chance.

Erik looked flustered but relieved.

"I-uh-ja, if joo want?" Erik managed to stutter, running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, it'll be fun!" Libby playfully punched his arm and continued walking, pretending not to notice how wide Erik's smile was. 

Overhearing this, Thomas sprinted to catch up with them, drinking from his water bottle and ending up on the other side of Libby. 

Not again, Libby thought to herself, but kind of happy at the same time.

"Hey, Liebe, I know best ice cream shop!" Thomas mused. Libby's face grew a small smile, trying to resist rolling her eyes at how much of a dork Thomas was.

"Oh! Erik would it be okay if Thomas joined?" Libby asked. Erik's smile faded and turned into a glare at Thomas, which Libby also pretended not to notice.

Erik was about to groan and yell "No" but Libby looked at him expectantly, and he couldn't resist but mustering up a smile.

"Of course," Erik smiled sweetly, speaking through his clenched jaw.


 Twenty minutes later, Erik, Libby, and Thomas found themselves inside a quaint ice cream shop across town.

It had started raining, so they were dripping wet when they got inside.

It smelled of cinnamon and mint at the same time. The aroma calmed Libby, reminding her of Christmastime in America.

"Chocolate please," Libby said to Thomas, who in turn said it to the ice cream lady in German. Libby pulled out some money, but Thomas stopped her, along with Erik who stopped Thomas.

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