in which Libby has her surgery

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It was finally time for Libby's surgery, needless to say, Libby couldn't sleep.

She lay in her bed, alone and very very cold for some strange reason. Libby finally let herself admit that she wished Thomas was laying with her again like he did that one night after her injury.

The pain in the past few weeks had been unbearable, and Libby had basically camped out in her room, unmoving and aching. 

Philipp had forced her to walk at least an hour out of the whole day, in which Libby limped to the kitchen and back to her room, feeling her stomach gain a layer of fat each day.

She didn't care, she probably couldn't play as well anymore. She felt her talent slip through her fingers as the days whisked away.

It was finally the day.

Philipp brought Bastian [who was coming because of Hope anyway] and Thomas to go with Libby, which made her happy.

It made Thomas happy that Philipp didn't care about him and Libby anymore. It was a relief for once.

Libby didn't even think about Erik once, until he had sent her a text wishing her good luck with the surgery, which made Libby's heart uneccesarily swelled with gratitude.

"Joo okay, Liebe?" Thomas asked, snapping Libby out of her thoughts, the buzzing in her brain silencing itself.

"Huh...yeah, oh yeah,"  Libby grabbed her crutches and walked out the door, which Thomas held open.

"Joo know, after this joo have three months left," Thomas walked next to her, his hands shoved down his pockets.

"But don't you have the world cup?" Libby smiled, pushing the struggle of her walking aside. She sat in the car, next to Philipp, who was driving, Hope and Bastian with Thomas in the back.

"Ja, but I still help joo be the best, right?" Thomas patted her head and rested his hand on her shoulder, which she rested her head against, feeling some sort of comfort from.

"Right..." Libby mumbled.

"So, what do joo want to eat after?" Philipp asked, trying to relieve the obvious tension in the car.

"I don't care," Libby turned to the back, with everyone shrugging as well.

"Liebe, joo choose!" Bastian said. Libby thought about it for a moment.

"Okay...are you ready?" She asked cracking a smile.

Philipp nodded.

"Two ice cream cones, one with chocolate syrup, a steak medium rare, with a tinge of spice, and a coca cola with no ice, and two slices of pizza with pineapples," 

The car was silent for a few seconds.

"What?" Thomas finally said, holding back a laugh.

"I'm hungry..." Libby said sheepishly.

"No, Libs, that's literally how you eat everyday!" Hope laughed, causing everyone to laugh.

As they arrived to the hospital, they entered through the back to avoid reporters and other people, but the plan backfired, as people crowded their car with their obnoxious cameras and questions.

Libby rolled down her window to wave at some fans.

"Libby, are joo getting extra steroid in leg for playing?" A reporter shouted, his breath smelling like a mixture of wet dog and day old garbage.

Libby shook her head, astounded by the stupidity of the question.

She grabbed a few markers and signed random things, and then Thomas joined her and signed and took pictures with fans.

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