in which Thomas could have told Libby the truth

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Libby would have never thought she would be waking up wrapped in Thomas Muller's jacket.

Especially not for the second time.

Her head throbbed against her thick skull, which made her cringe as she sat up, enveloped in the strong cologne smelling jacket.

What exactly had happened yesterday? Did Libby actually get drunk?

Libby shook her head and dragged herself to her bathroom, feeling really queasy. Sure enough, her stomach flopped inside her, making her sprint to the toilet, spewing her insides out in the toilet.

"Libs!" Hope screamed from the front of her room, rushing towards the belching Libby. Hope threw her arms around Libby, patting her back as she lurched forward, a vile liquid squirting from her mouth.

"Dang, you finally got drunk Libby..." Hope shook her head, as Libby wiped her face with the back of her hand, head still throbbing immensely.

"I'm calling Bastian to let him know you won't make it to practice today," Hope stood up, handing her a towel.

Libby shook her head, coughing and standing up, struggling to gain her balance. Libby grasped her stomach once more, lunging towards the toilet to continue throwing up.

"I thought so." Hope laughed and dialed Bastian's number. Libby practically rolled her eyes, if she weren't dying currently.

"Hallo?" A deep energetic voice spoke.

"Hey, Basti, uh, Libby's sick from drinking so she isn't coming to training today," Hope said putting the phone on speaker.

Bastian almost exploded from laughter until he heard the intensity of Libby's throwing up. He furrowed his eyebrow, the rest of the team gathering in concern. Bastian put it on speaker, also.

"Is that Liebe?" Philipp grabbed the phone listening to the loud and disgusting sounds.

Hope sighed, "Yep."

All of the guys looked at Manuel with glares.

"Great job, Manu." Mesut slapped his head.

"We comin, okay?" Thomas immediately said, really concerned for Libby. Everyone looked at him.

"We are?" Manuel said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yes, come on," Thomas said in German, grabbing his keys and running to his car.

"Okay..." Bastian spoke back into the phone, still hearing the wretched shrieks of Libby's hangover.


"Welcome to the palace, again." Hope opened the door to the smiling and sweaty faces of the team.

"'Ope how are you?" Bastian hugged her, his grin extra wide due to last night, which they both surprisingly remembered. He resisted from actually kissing her, in front of Philipp at least.

"Fine, but Libby isn't." Hope said grimly, pulling away from Bastian and leading them to Libby's room. Hope had left Libby in her bed with some soup, but she wasn't in her bed.

She walked into the bathroom to find Libby in her spandex and sports bra, leaned over the toilet, gagging on nothing, some liquid spewing out.

Thomas ran up next to her without hesitation. Libby pushed him away weakly.

"Thomas..." She said weakly, spitting in the toilet bowl, "What..what are you doing here?"

"Liebe, shh, joo not feeling good," He rubbed her back, which helped relief some pain in the pit of Libby's stomach.

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