in which Libby throws the remote

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Libby stayed in the house for the next two days, feeling her body shut down slowly but surely.

She felt no need to stay here anymore, if all that happened was this "drama." She had been laying on her bed, with the remote in her hand, eating something probably unhealthy when she came across a lifechanging thing.

Libby flipped through the channels, finding nothing relevant to make her happy, and groaned in anger, frustration swelling inside her. The remote ricochet across the room, making a cracking sound, and changing the channel. 

Libby's eyes widened as she took in the situation that unfolded perfectly. It was like it was fate.

"So, what exactly, if I may ask, happened with Libby Stimme?" The interviewer asked, furrowing her eyebrows. 

Libby took in the scene, realizing exactly what was happening, and shook her head, the tears prickling her eyes.

"My english is not good, but Liebe? Oh, she very gud. She have fun, but she no want fun." Thomas began to speak, pausing at every two words. 

"Ja und we know she think we bad, we no like, but she per-uh-perfect?" Erik fumbled over his words, glancing at Philipp who smiled and nodded.

"Oh, okay, well what happened though?" The interviewer pressed on, causing much annoyance to flair in Libby.

"Nothing that matters, ja?" Manuel said sternly. Everyone nodded and looked around sadly.

The interviewer looked stumped, but nodded with a fake smile plastered on, the show going to a commercial break.

Libby took a deep breath in.

Libby looked up, tears in her eyes, her hand flying up to her face. She knew she was being too emotional about this, she had barely known them for two months. 

She picked up her phone.


Thomas sighed as he stretched his legs out. It had been a long day and after this harsh training, he felt as if he were whisking away.

He had not seen Libby for two days and he felt so hurt. Thomas knew he had done nothing wrong except for the fact that he was trying to protect her.

And now she hated them. To be more specific, him.

He had been distracted throughout practice, as the rest of their squad had, consequentially causing their coach to make them run another miserable mile after mile. 

It was like he had something actually beginning in his life, and now it burst like a balloon filled with false hope.

The team didn't even seem to notice or care about the quiet and reserved Thomas that didn't crack even the slightest smile or joke that evening as they filed out of the showers and headed to their homes.

Not even Erik or Philipp gave a care to anyone. 

All of them enveloped in their own worry, not caring about the sport they had so much passion about with Libby.

In the midst of his thoughts he felt a sharp buzz in his leg. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and picked it up, not thinking.

"Hallo?" He said quickly.

There was a silence, followed by a sigh.

"Thomas, I suck." Libby muttered. Another silence.

"And I'm sorry." She quickly added.

"Liebe." Was all he said, and Libby pressed her ear into her phone, thankful for his voice.


Practice resumed the next day, everyone back in their normal energy, kicking with precision and excitement.

Erik decided it was best to stay away, but had grinned at Libby when he saw her. She nodded in his direction and blushed, rubbing her neck and walking away.

"How about we go celebrate?" Hope nudged Libby, who glared at her and shot the ball into the goal without flaw.

Bastian threw his arm around their shoulders and laughed.

"Dinner tonight with press," Hope said grumpily as Bastian poked her side, to which she burst out into a laughter.

Libby processed this, a pit forming in her stomach. It was definitely going to be rough.

"Kill me please," Libby faked shooting herself.

"They kill joo with question tonight Liebe, no worry." Bastian joked. It was funny, until Libby realized it was probably true. How was she going to answer the obnoxious question they had planned for her.

It wasn't even going to be about football. It was going to be all the gossip and especially about that night. And she was going to have to act like it was all okay and smile and wave at the cameras.

She had never been in with the press this deep.

Libby frowned, kicking the grass as they walked to the stands where Philipp waved them over.

Libby practically collapsed, not realizing Thomas was next to her to bump into her.

"Oops, sorry," Libby mumbled, sitting up. Thomas touched her arm, turning her around.

Something he would have never done two months ago.

"It okay Liebe," Thomas playfully leaned against her shoulder.

Libby and Thomas both knew this was the moment they were disregarding the past, and moving on. This wasn't just Thomas being silly with his crooked grin, it was a marker to a possible new start. He wasn't just saying it was okay that she bumped him. He was saying it was okay for all the stupid things that had happened before.

Libby pretended not to notice that he stayed there for Philipp's speech. She felt his breath in her ear, his heart beating at a normal speed, while hers jumped everywhere.

For a split second, Libby wondered what it actually was like to kiss him. She couldn't remember. Libby almost slapped herself for thinking like that.

That night, as she got dressed for the dinner, she picked up the remote that lay on the opposite side of her room, the plastic cracked around the sides. Libby pieced it together and left it on the dresser, smiling.

If she had not thrown the remote, this would have never happened.

She just grinned like an idiot afterward, happy that it was finally all over. No more drama in Libby Stimme's life.

But boy was she wrong. It was only just beginning. 


authors note

im sorry i suck a lot and i just havent had time like i havent started my homework yet and it's 11 o clock and i just cant rn. i would really love some support? i love joo all

ship someone #tibby #lerik #bope #phillut [sorry i suck]

again, sorry i suck

but i love joo.

it gon be cray i promise. but only if i get feedback :)

[check out dat gif i made thomas is bae]

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