in which they have breakfast

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It was the pain that woke Libby in the middle of the night.

Well, more like 2 am, where the whole team was still watching movies. 

It felt like Thomas had taken knives and slit her ankle, stabbing it continuously. Of course, he hadn't, but it wasn't a good feeling.

"AGh!" Libby sat up, clutching Thomas's arm. Everyone's heads snapped towards Libby, someone flipping on the lights, blinding practically everyone.

"What happened, Liebe?" someone asked hastily, everyone blinking furiously to get used to the light.

Libby took in the situation, realizing the pain medication was wearing off and the pain was too immense in her ankle. 

"Med..medicine?" Libby took a deep breath. Philipp pushed Mesut, who was sitting next to him, off the couch. 

Mesut scrambled through a bag and tossed the pills to Manuel, who handed them to Libby. Thomas transferred himself to Libby's head, sitting her up and handing her water from Hope. 

Libby sipped the water hungrily, and handed the glass back, her angle still throbbing. 

"Joo okay?" Bastian said quietly, everyone watching him. They all knew how bad Bastian felt about what had happened to Libby.

"Yeah."  Libby lied, realizing how incompetent she was.

Hope gave Libby a smile, which made Libby a bit sad. But she smiled back and gave her a thumbs up. Hope went back to Bastian, who was sharing a blanket with her.

Libby closed her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek. She wasn't sure what it was for, but she merely found herself leaned against Thomas's chest, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Philipp glanced over, Thomas giving him a sly smile, his arm around Libby's body. Philipp smiled.

Everything was good. For now.

"Can I have some nutella, Manuel?" Mesut asked. Philipp laughed and threw his arm around Mesut's shoulder again. Everyone joined in with Philipp's guffaw as Manuel answered.



 When she woke up, there was breakfast on the table, which everyone sat around. Libby decided not to mention the pain, as they would be more concerned with her than their own food.

She was concentrated on getting to the bathroom without collapsing.

She hobbled to the bathroom, trying not to be seen, and changed for the first time after the hospital. She managed to dig up a t shirt her size and some reasonable sweatpants. She didn't know who's it was, but she knew they wouldn't mind.

She assessed her face in the mirror after washing it and wiping her face dry with a towel. She smothered on some lotion and brushed her hair, which took a lot of pain and patience. Libby tied her hair back in a ponytail, feeling more content with her appearance than before.

Libby walked into the kitchen and everyone greeted her.

"How are joo Liebe?" Thomas asked, pointing to an empty seat next to him. Libby nodded and stumbled into the seat, finally relieved to not be hopping around on one foot.

"Okay, since Liebe not training..." Philipp began to say and he paused, Libby not making eye contact with Bastian, who was standing in the kitchen with Hope making pancakes.

"We going to take her to our training!" Philipp finished quickly, sensing the tension. Libby felt elated. She could actually see them train without her for once? It seemed that because of the world cup coming up, that Germany's team training would be much to intense and privatized for even someone like herself to watch.

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