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▌Chapter 8 ─ The Moonlight ▌

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Chapter 8 ─ The Moonlight

      ━━━━━ ELIRIEN STOOD IN her room, dressed in her royal clothes. But she knew she wouldn't be in them for long. Having already spent enough time with the Dwarves she knew that Thorin would want to leave as soon as possible. She still had all her things gathered together, and had managed to grab more arrows just in case they were needed.

Thorin had been shown to Elirien's room, he wanted to talk to her, to understand why she had lied to him and the others. After he talked to her he would join the others for dinner. Thorin stood at the entrance of Elirien's room. The Elf turned and looked at him, a smile wanted to appear on his face as he looked at her but he hid it.

"Is there something I can help you with Thorin?" Elirien asked, starting a conversation.

"You lied." Thorin said, staring at her. "Why?"

"I had no other choice, Gandalf told me how much hatred you held towards my kin. I had to hide who I am because of you. That's why you didn't know." Elirien answered.

"My apologies, Elirien."

"No need for apologies. I understand why you're angry, especially after learning about your past. But give me a chance to prove to you that not all Elves are as bad as you make them out to be. I came on this journey because I wanted to help you, so let me help you."

Thorin stared at the brunette, thinking about what she had just said. A part of him wanted to say no, and tell her that she couldn't continue on with them. But, the other part of him wanted to tell her yes, that he needed her skills.

"Princess." Lord Elrond called out causing the conversation to come to a halt.

"My Lord Elrond." Elirien spoke, bowing her head.

"We're waiting for you both."

The two both nodded their heads and Lord Elrond left. Thorin looked back at the Elf as she looked at him.

"Do you have an answer? Or shall I give you time to think of one?"

"No need, we need your skills. They don't compare to anyone else."

Elirien nodded her head, and the two ended the conversation by walking out of Elirien's room.

───── ☾☾☾ ─────

Elirien walked beside her father as Gandalf walked behind them, with Thorin behind him. "Kind of you to invite us. Not really dressed for dinner." Gandalf said, causing Elrond to briefly look back at the Wizard.

"Well, you never are." Elrond replied, walking up the steps.

Elirien sat next to her adoptive father Lord Elrond, while Thorin sat next to her, Gandalf sat on the other side of Elrond as he examined the sword Thorin had picked up in the tunnel. She had her sword and bow resting next to her as she hoped that her father could tell her what hers were. A voice led her to it for a reason and she needed to know why.

❝ ADVENTURE ❞ ── Thorin Oakenshield ¹Where stories live. Discover now