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▌Chapter 1 ─ Dwarves, Food, and Singing ▌

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Chapter 1 ─ Dwarves, Food, and Singing

      ━━━━━ ELIRIEN FOLLOWED THE directions Gandalf had giving her, she still didn't know why Gandalf wanted her to come along on this adventure. Maybe it was because he knew she had been seeking her own adventure. Or maybe it was because he didn't want her to be alone, especially because her father had abandoned her after her mother died.

It was rare when she trusted someone, and the only people she had trusted happened to be two wizards, her adoptive father, and a human. Elirien sat on her trusted horse, one that would not leave her side unless necessary. Gandalf, Radagast, Elrond, and Thessalia were the only ones who knew she could talk to any type of animal, good or bad.

Elirien wasn't entirely sure why she had been gifted with the ability to talk to animals, but it helped her find Alice. That was the name of her Dutch Warmblood horse that she had pretty much raised since birth. In the distance she could see someone searching the area, she assumed it was Gandalf because of the pointed hat. Climbing off of Alice she tied her horse to the post where two other horses were followed by some ponies.

"I'll be back in the morning." She said, staring at her horse. "In the meantime make some friends." Elirien ordered, sending Alice a smile.

"Why do you assume I don't have friends?" Alice questioned her in return.

"Because your only friend is me." Elirien answered her, Alice released an actual noise in response to Elirien.

The brunette turned around walking towards the fenced post, opening the small wooden door that stood at the bottom as she walked into the yard. Lifting her gaze she saw Gandalf and Thessalia who had been traveling with Gandalf for several months. Gandalf's eyes fell onto the young woman who came to a stop next Thessalia.

"I made it, are you happy?" Elirien questioned the old wizard.

Thessalia had been the one to inform Elirien of the journey that would help the dwarves reclaim their lost home, the elf hadn't been a fan of dwarves because of her father. And she knew that Thorin Oakenshield despised Elves for not helping them so long ago. She was told that she had to keep her ear hidden until such time, which would probably be around the time that they stopped in an Elven Kingdom.

"I am more than thrilled." Gandalf said, sending her a small smile.

"I still don't know how you talked me into all this Thessalia." Elirien said, looking over at the human.

"Because you trust me, and Gandalf." Thessalia responded. The door opened causing the remaining dwarves to fall inward towards the Hobbit that stood at the door. Gandalf kneeled down looking at the Hobbit, who stared back at him.

"Gandalf." The Hobbit breathed out.

Elirien placed her hand over top of the handle of her sword as she followed behind the dwarves. Thessalia had left her alone to walk around the house admiring the beauty. Soon the Elf came to a stop seeing all eyes were on her. In that moment she had figured that they already knew Thessalia which had been why she wasn't receiving the same look. The brunette rolled her eyes walking away from them and into another room where a fire was brewing.

"She's not that talkative at first." Thessalia announced, turning to look at Gandalf he only nodded his head. The human turned away from the dwarves, the hobbit and the wizard walking into the other room she saw Elirien sitting by the fire, a normal thing she would often do. "You know you're gonna have to warm up to everyone eventually. We're going to be traveling together for a while." Thessalia said, causing the brunette to look at her.

"I know that." Elirien breathed out, staring into the fire.

"I just hope that while we are on this journey we don't cross paths with my brother and father." She explained, Thessalia only nodded her head.

Even though they were friends and trusted each other they didn't know how to talk to each other. Part of that reason was because Elirien wasn't big on opening up about her emotions. Elirien was left alone once again, Bilbo had checked on her curious, to see what she was doing. But it was mostly to make sure she hadn't destroyed anything though Gandalf reassured him that she had much respect for other people's houses.

Elirien refused to eat food with the dwarves so Gandalf brought her food so she could be alone in peace. When she had finished the food, she stood up from the ground with her plate in hand. She took it into the kitchen to be washed, after placing it in the sink she walked out of the kitchen standing next to Thessalia.

The two leaned against the wall, as Fili came up to Ori. Somehow she had managed to learn all the dwarves' names, giving that they would be traveling with each other. Even though she didn't want to be friends with the dwarves she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if she did.

"Here you go, Ori. Give it to me." Fili said as Kili walked out of the kitchen with his pipe in hand. Gandalf moved out of the way, just as Fili threw the first plate towards Kili.

"Excuse me." Bilbo shouted, pushing through some of the dwarves. "That's my mother's West Farthing pottery. It's over 100 years old!" Bilbo continued to shout, hoping the dwarves would stop what they were doing. He turned looking into the dinning area, staring at the dwarves still sitting. "And can you not do that? You'll blunt them."

Elirien couldn't help but not roll her eyes at how terrible of a job he was doing. "Ooh. Do you hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives." Bofur announced, causing the human that stood next to Elirien to laugh silently.

"Blunt the knives, bend the forks." Kili began singing, at those words Elirien couldn't help but smile as she watched the dwarves.

"Smash the bottles and burn the corks." Fili continued to sing, throwing the plates towards his brother.

"Chip the glasses and crack the plates. That's what Bilbo Baggins hates." They all sang together.

"Cut the cloth, tread on the fat. Leave the bones on the bedroom mat. Pour the milk on the pantry floor. Splash the wine on every door. Dump the crooks in a boiling bowl."

"Pound them up with a thumping pole. When you're finished, if they are whole. Send them down the hall to roll."

As they finished the lyrics the musical portion of the song began to play, while the dwarves worked together to clean the dishes that had been used. Elirien and Thessalia walked away from the wall they had been leaning against, and moved towards Gandalf as the clean dishes started to pile up. The two came to a stop looking at the dishes before them.

"That's what Bilbo Baggins hates."

Laughter filled her ears, as Bilbo pushed his way through the dwarves. The anger disappeared from his face as he looked at the clean dishes on the table. Gandalf sat down on the chair, while a loud bang filled their ears.

"He's here." Gandalf announced.

❝ ADVENTURE ❞ ── Thorin Oakenshield ¹Where stories live. Discover now