❝ CHAPTER 18 ❞

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▌Chapter 18 ─ Death's Door ▌

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Chapter 18 ─ Death's Door

      ━━━━━ THE ELF SLOWLY moved back towards the door of Bard's home. She wasn't going to not take the warning seriously, Smaug was coming and he was heading right for the town. The bell had already begun to ring in the distance. Tauriel was still close by her, the elf then looked away from the dragon placing her eyes on Elirien.

"We have to go." Elirien whispered, knowing very well what Smaug was going to do to the town once he got there. The two walked back into the home looking around at the others.

"We have no time. We must leave." Tauriel told everyone.

"Get him up." Bofur called out.

"Come on, brother." Fili called out to his brother, helping him up. Elirien grabbed a hold of her things and placed them over her body. She then helped Bard's children with Tauriel.

"Fast as you can." Tauriel said.

"We're not leaving. Not without our father." Bain mentioned as he walked over to his sisters. Elirien walked away and moved over to Thessalia.

"How much time do we have?" Thessalia asked, even though she didn't know why they were leaving.

"Not long," Elirien leaned closer to Thessalia so she could whisper into her ear. "Smaug is coming." Her words ran through the brunette's ears. Too stunned to speak she only stared at Elirien who gave her a slight nod.

"If you stay here, your sisters will die." Tauriel told the oldest child, causing Elirien to turn her head slightly to get a better look at the elf. She the turned to look at Bain. "Is that what your father would want?" Elirien ran outside and down the steps with the children following behind her. She stood at the middle of the book helping the children onto the boat. "Quickly, now."

Elirien held tightly onto her bow as Fili and Bofur started to row the boat through the water. Smaug flew down towards the down some of the others ducking down. Elirien stared at the dragon watching it swoop around in the air and eventually travel back towards the town. She knew what was coming, and she knew that most of the people from the town wouldn't survive what was about to happen.

His belly lit up, and just as he made it to the edge of the town fire was released down on the town below. Elirien looked around searching for where Bard could be, she was determined to get him out of whatever prison he had been put into because she knew that's where he had been placed.

"Look out!" Bofur shouted. Their boat rammed right into the Master's boat causing some of them to almost fall into the water, while some of the gold on the Master's boat had fallen into the water. Tauriel and Elirien pushed their boat off of the other boat so they wouldn't be sunk down.

"Greedy bastard." Elirien mumbled as he shouted out for the gold that had been falling into the water. The bell was still going off in the distance, as Smaug continued to fly around and burn more of the buildings. Tauriel briefly looked back as they came underneath a house and proceeded to get closer to the outskirts of the town. Elirien turned slightly looking up towards the bell tower as it stopped chiming.

❝ ADVENTURE ❞ ── Thorin Oakenshield ¹Where stories live. Discover now