❝ CHAPTER 17 ❞

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▌Chapter 17 ─ Smaug Breaks Free ▌

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Chapter 17 ─ Smaug Breaks Free

━━━━━ ELIRIEN WALKED BEHIND Thessalia, the folk of Lake-Town surrounded them. The sun was rising behind the Lonely Mountain.

"You do know we're one short." Bilbo informed Thorin. "Where's Bofur?"

"If he's not here, we leave him behind." Thorin replied.

"We'll have to. If we're to find the door before nightfall, we can risk no more delays." Elirien and Thessalia moved to the side allowing the others to get on first. Elirien wanted to say goodbye to Bard before they left. But she hadn't seen him yet.

"Not you." Thorin said, holding his hand in front of Kili and stopping him from getting onto the boat. "We must travel at speed. You will slow us down."

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you." Kili told his uncle.

"Not now." Elirien looked at Kili, his sadness washed onto his face.

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened. When we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin."

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed." Thorin turned away from Kili. Thessalia and Elirien exchanged a look with each other.

"I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded." Oin said, as he climbed off the boat.

"Uncle." Fili called out, Thorin looked down at him. "We grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You cannot take that away from him!"


"I will carry him if I must!"

"I'll help." Elirien said, causing Thorin to briefly look at the Elf.

"One day you will be king and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf. Not even my own kin." Fili looked at his brother, then climbed off the boat. "Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the company." Thorin told him, grabbing a hold of his arm.

"I belong with my brother." Fili pulled his arm away and walked over to his brother. Thessalia followed behind him. Elirien looked at them then back at Thorin. She could already see the hurt on his face, he knew that she was going to stay behind.

"I'm sorry, Thes is my friend." Elirien backed away from the boat and stood next to Thessalia as the instruments started to go off.

"Go now with our goodwill and good wishes. And may your return bring good fortune to all!" Elirien watched as they sailed off heading towards the Lonely Mountain. Bofur pushed through the crowd screaming. But he stopped, he then turned to look at those who remained.

"So you missed the boat as well?" Bofur asked them. Kili started to fall over.

"Kili? Kili!" Fili shouted, grabbing a hold of his brother.

❝ ADVENTURE ❞ ── Thorin Oakenshield ¹Where stories live. Discover now