❝ CHAPTER 10 ❞

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▌Chapter 10 ─ The Lonely Mountain ▌

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Chapter 10 ─ The Lonely Mountain

      ━━━━━ ELIRIEN AND THESSALIA ran down the bridges searching for the Dwarves. Elirien came to a stop turning around in a circle not sure which way to go now.

"They have to lead to the same spot right?" Thessalia asked her.

"I think it's time to split up." Elirien replied, looking at the brunette.

"Is that really the best idea?"

"No, but it's our only option."

Elirien took off running down the bridge while Thessalia went down the other bridge. The Elf continued to run down the bridge until she eventually slid to a stop. She hid behind something and pulled her bow off her back then she grabbed two arrows notching them into the bow and pulling the string back aiming it at the Goblin king as he sang.

She then watched the Goblin king have a freak out over something that was dropped on the wood. He climbed back into the chair pointing to it. A figure appeared behind Elirien, she turned around aiming her bow at them. Soon she saw that it was Gandalf and he already had Thessalia with him.

"Shall we go save the dwarves?" He asked her. The brunette only nodded in return.

"I know that sword!" He yelled out. "It is the Goblin-Cleaver! The bitter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!" He continued to yell as the Goblins jumped onto the dwarves. "Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!" The Goblin king ordered.

Elirien became panicked watching one of the Goblins hover over Thorin holding a knife to him. Gandalf lifted his staff and brought down a white light emitting from it and knocking the goblins down including the traps that had been brought up. Gandalf walked forward first holding onto his sword with his other hand.

Elirien and Thessalia followed behind him, Thessalia held out her sword as well while Elirien still held the two arrows on her bow. She held it low to the ground but was prepared to shoot. The light slowly but surely started to come back around.

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" Gandalf shouted, moving forward and swinging his sword around.

The dwarves released a battle cry and started to fight. Elirien stood back shooting arrows into the Goblins watching them fall to the ground.

"He wields the Foehammer! The beater! Bright as daylight!"

Elirien spun around throwing her bow back over her shoulder. Then she pulled her sword out and swung it into another Goblin as Thorin knocked the Goblin king down. She pulled her sword back and pushed it into another Goblin.

"Follow me. Quick!" Gandalf said. Elirien was pulled away by Thessalia because she knew she would ignore those words and continue to fight. "Run!"

They ran down a path that would eventually lead them out of the mountain. Elirien ran behind Gandalf, throwing her sword around slicing the goblins. They came to a partial stop on the bridge.

❝ ADVENTURE ❞ ── Thorin Oakenshield ¹Where stories live. Discover now