❝ CHAPTER 14 ❞

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▌Chapter 14 ─ A Lake ▌

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Chapter 14 ─ A Lake

━━━━━ ELIRIEN HAD TRIED numerous times to leave to go to talk to Thorin and the others. But she had been stopped. She knew that Thranduil wouldn't let her leave. Elirien grabbed her things, and waited for the right time to sneak out. She would make a stop to get Thessalia's sword.

Soon enough she heard the horn go off, indicating that they were closing the gate. She took her chance and ran out of the room as she knew the guards would be focused on getting the dwarves back. She made it to where they kept the weapons and grabbed a hold of Thessalia's sword soon placing it around her shoulder.

From there she took off heading towards the outside of the kingdom. When she arrived she saw the entire company in the water. Orcs were attacking the Eleven guards that stood near the gate. Elirien placed her bow around her and pulled her sword out. She proceeded to run towards the company jumping down and rolling on the grass.

She pushed her sword into an Orc that had come close to her. Then she pulled it out swinging it around. Elirien looked to see Kili jump over to the other side. She took off running towards them, getting closer and closer. When she did she pulled Thessalia's sword out of its sheath.

"Thessalia." She shouted, throwing the sword to the human.

Thessalia turned around watching her sword come towards her, when it was close enough she reached for it and grabbed the handle, soon stabbing an Orc with the blade. Elirien spun around dodging an Orc blade that came towards her. She then pulled her sword back and swung it into the Orc's side.

"Kili!" Fili shouted, causing the brunette to turn in her tracks.

She looked to see Kili at the top, an arrow sticking out of his leg. He groaned, falling to the ground. Another Orc came towards the steps, and just before he could get down to Kili an arrow was shot into his chest. Both Elirien and Kili turned their heads to see Tauriel coming towards them. She pulled out another arrow and shot it at the next Orc that was trying to get to Kili.

Elirien pushed her sword back into its sheath and proceeded to pull her bow off of her. Then she grabbed an arrow and notched it into the bow pulling the string back and aiming it at an Orc that came up to her. Elirien exhaled, letting go of the string and watching the arrow fly right into the head of said Orc. Soon Legolas and more guards joined them. Elirien looked back to Kili as he looked at Tauriel.

"Kili, open the gates, now!" Elirien shouted, running towards the dwarf, getting closer to them.

He picked himself up and used the stairs to reach the lever, when he had a hold of it he pulled it down allowing the gates to open again. She ran up the first set of steps.

"Kili." Fili called out to his brother.

He pushed himself over landing in the barrel, the arrow splitting in half when it hit the barrel. Elirien ran to the top of the stairs and proceeded to flip herself over them, landing on the other side of the gates. The brunette took off running after the company, with the Orcs chasing after them, and some chasing after her. One came up behind her and knocked her to the ground.

Elirien turned around and held the Orc off, with her other hand she reached down for a blade. The brown haired Elf pulled it out and stabbed the Orc in the gut. Then she kicked it off of her and into the water. Elirien picked herself up and turned around looking to see that the company was a distance away from her. But she was determined to catch up to them.

Elirien ran over to one of the trees and started to climb it from there she ran across one of the branches soon jumping into the next tree. She pulled an arrow out and shot it into one of the orcs as she finally caught up to the company. Legolas jumped off the edge of the rock and landed on two of the dwarves. Elirien ran ahead, Thorin looked back to see her catching up. An Orc had made an appearance in front of her.

"Elirien!" Thorin shouted out towards the Elf.

The brunette looked at the Orc, she proceeded to run towards it throwing herself into the Orc. From there she climbed up and wrapped her legs around the Orc, she then broke its neck. She and the Orc fell to the ground, Elirien rolled on to a rock and proceeded to take off running. Elirien jumped from rock to rock keeping up with the company.

She however knew that the Orcs were still after the Dwarves. They had made it further away from the Orcs and the water had started to calm down to the point where they had to push themselves.

"Anything behind us?" Thorin questioned.

"Not that I can see." Balin replied.

"I think we've outrun the Orcs." Bofur said.

"For now." Elirien mumbled under her breath as she walked on the rocks.

"Not for long. We've lost the current."

"Bombur's half drowned." Dwalin informed them.

"Head for the shore!"

Elirien walked over to the shore and started to help everyone out of the barrel's they were in. She made it over to Thessalia and the second the human was out she pulled her into a hug. Thessalia doing the same.

"I'm glad you're okay." Thessalia whispered.

"Me too." Elirien replied.

"On your feet." Thorin said, walking past everyone.

"Kili's wounded. His leg needs binding." Fili said, looking at his Uncle.

"There's an Orc pack on our tail. We keep moving."

"To where?" Balin asked.

"To the mountain we're so close." Bilbo said, joining them.

"A lake lies between us and that mountain. We have no way to cross it."

"So then we go around."

"The Orcs will run us down, as sure as daylight. We've no weapons to defend ourselves."

"Bind his leg, quickly. You have two minutes." Elirien looked away from Thessalia to see a figure pointing an arrow at them. The Elf pulled her sword out of its sheath, and held it in front of her. Dwalin stood in front of Nori holding onto a branch. He proceeded to shoot the arrow at the branch. Kili grabbed a hold of a rock but it was shot out of his hand.

"Do it again... and you're dead." He said.

"Excuse me... But, um, you're from Lake-Town, if I'm not mistaken. That barge over there... it wouldn't be available for hire, by any chance?"

❝ ADVENTURE ❞ ── Thorin Oakenshield ¹Where stories live. Discover now