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▌Chapter 6 ─ Being Hunted ▌

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Chapter 6 ─ Being Hunted

━━━━━ ELIRIEN FOLLOWED BEHIND Thorin with Thessalia right behind her. A few of the other dwarves followed behind them as they entered further into the cave. "Oh, what's that stench?" Nori asked them.

"It's a troll-hoard. Be careful what you touch." Gandalf informed them.

"Elirien!" A voice spoke, one unfamiliar to her. She turned slightly, confusion on her face.

Thessalia walked by as did the other dwarves, she turned around just a little more. She was searching for the voice that was calling to her. It sounded like her mother, but she wasn't sure.

"Elirien follow my voice."

"What?" She questioned causing Thorin and Gandalf to look at her.

"Follow my voice."

Elirien proceeded to move forward, passing Gandalf and Thorin. The two passed it off but did see, to exchange a look with each other. Elirien continued to follow the voice further into the cave until it stopped. She looked around searching for something.

"Why did you lead me down here?"

"There is something that you need in order to continue your journey."

Elirien looked around searching for anything that might be useful to her. When she was just about to give up something caught her eyes. The Elf turned slightly, seeing a bow, along with arrows, and next to it was a sword. She walked towards it, the bow, arrows and sword had a white glow to them which didn't make sense.

"Is this what I'm looking for?" Elirien questioned, hoping to hear the voice again.

"Yes, it is. Now take it and use it to protect yourself and those around you."

It seemed like the voice knew what she was talking about, Elirien wanted to know more about the voice and who it was. She placed the arrows onto her back sitting them next to the other set of arrows. She removed her current sword, then she removed the new sword from its sheath. It had stopped glowing white but it didn't seem to make any sense to the brunette. She shoved it back in its sheath and held onto it, along with the new bow.

"Elirien, are you okay?" Thessalia questioned her, from the other end of the cave.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'll be right back." Elirien announced.

Holding on to both her old bow and new bow as well as the other swords she proceeded to walk out of the cave passing the others. She headed back towards Gypsy, where she waited. Elirien saw that the other ponies were there.

"Should anything happen, you know where to go. I'm giving you these because I know longer need them." Elirien said, placing her old weapons onto Gypsy's saddle.

❝ ADVENTURE ❞ ── Thorin Oakenshield ¹Where stories live. Discover now