Ch 36 The reason for Kong's trauma..

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Warning: This chapter contains bold language and graphic descriptions of assault. If it's not to ur liking pls skip it..I wrote it as a few had wanted to know wat had happened to Kong..those who wish to avoid it can safely read the next chapter without worrying about missing the continuity...

Three years ago..

Kong excitedly stepped through the gates of his new school..He hoped to make new frens and learn new things..He was always shy and never spoke much in the previous school but here he wanted to change that and become more out going...

He walked up the stone walkway to the main building. As this was a Senior Secondary School it only had the Upper grades..His entire class would be new to the campus so he needn't worry about feeling awkward or out of place. He saw 2 boys talking among themselves and pointing out to the buildings..he walked towards them thinking they must be new too..

"Hi my name s Singto, are you also new here?" he asked smiling in a friendly way and extending his hand for a shake..

"Yeah, my name s Ohm. Which class are you in?" asked a boy who had a cute smile . He had a basketball under his arm and a bag slung across his shoulder..

"I am Chimon," said the other boy..he looked like a nerd with his glasses and perfect uniform..but he seemed friendly as he shook Singto's hand.

"I am in class 5c. What about you?" Singto asked.

"Cool..We are also in the same class..come on let's go together then.." said Ohm throwing his arm around Singto and pulling him with them..

Ohm and Chimon, Singto learned later, were friends from kindergarten and went to the same school too. They were inseparable though they had opposite interests. Chimon was a total book worm, while Ohm was a sports person..Between the two Singto found he could fit in comfortably as he was good at both and enjoyed a bit of each other..

The morning went smoothly with the homeroom teacher giving the introduction and explaining their schedules and subjects..they would be required to work hard as this was the base for choosing their career and future field of study..Ohm groaned while Chimon listened on with utter concentration, hanging onto every word the teacher said even taking notes in between..He was really serious about college and wanted to score good grades to get scholarships..

Lunch was served in the cafeteria. The three of them went together..They got their lunch and found an empty table to sit. As they were eating the hall suddenly went all quiet..they turned to see a group of seniors had entered..

All the other students, senior and junior, moved aside giving way for them to skip the queue and get their lunch..

"Tats the school bully. Even the teachers are afraid of him I heard..His Dad s an underworld Don and no one dares to cross him..Anyone who dares to annoy him I heard disappears.."Ohm whispered across their table..

"Anyone who uses the name of his father to build his image s a coward and failure..I bet he s nothing without his daddy.."Singto muttered and went back to eat, ignoring the seniors..

The senior looked around and as there were no empty tables, he walked towards the table where Singto and his frens were eating..Chimon and Ohm were quick to stand taking their plate and getting out, giving the place to the seniors but Singto continued to eat ignoring them..Ohm had to drag him out to avoid any retribution apologizing that they were new and still had to know the ways of the school..

"Why did u pull me out? I am not going to be scared of him.." Singto asked irritated..

"You may not value ur life Sing, but we value our body parts and want to keep them intact. So pls don't look for trouble there. Atleast when we are ur frens." It was Chimon who spoke up now..

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