Ch 13 First blossom on canvas..

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"P'Kit, how is it ?" Singto asked after drawing a single cherry blossom..he was leaning against the tree trunk, framed canvas sheet on his lap he had just finished the outline..

Kit was sitting a few feet away trying to fix his video game which had stopped working..he looked up at the drawing which the younger showed..

"There s not much I can tell right now, why don't u color it and then show me again."

"Ok" Singto's face fell, dejected tat his P' had not said anything..he set about coloring the petals, when the tip of the pencil snapped.."awww, shiaaa i forgot to bring the sharpener,and this s the perfect color" he cursed under his he would have to go back to sharpen he got up his eyes fell on the blade next to Kit and he got an idea ..

"P'Kit can I use this?" He had asked and kit had nodded his head without looking up..Taking the sharp blade Singto had proceeded to sharpen his pencil when suddenly the blade slipped and nicked his finger a bit too deep...

He looked scared and shouted shrilly "P'Kit..." and started shaking his hand to get the blood away..

Kit looked up at the sound of his voice.."wat s it Tuan...Shiaaaa wat did u do nong?? Who asked you to take the blade?" He asked rushing over seeing the blood flowing...he was starting to panic..and looking at his fear Singto just shivered and started to sway unsteadily....he was fainting..

Getting even more scared Kit had just picked him up and run all the way home and upto his parent's room....His father had immediately bandaged Singto's finger and told him it was nothing to worry, tat he had just fainted from shock...

But Kit hadn't left Singto's side till he opened his eyes and smiled at him...

Later when they were alone Kit asked his dad, "Por ,why did Tuan faint if the wound was not serious?"

"Wat was ur expression on seeing the blood Kit?"dad asked him..

"I freaked dad, I was so scared"

"There u have ur answer..always stay calm if a person is injured helps to assure them..if u freak out then they ll do the same.." Kit nodded..thus learning his first medical etiquette lesson at the age of 13...

From then on he had been extra careful with his Tuan...He never wanted him to be hurt again.. ever..once was more than enough..


Singto was in his room trying to finish coloring the flower..Kit walked in with his dinner..Singto's face lit up in a bright smile on seeing him...his P'Kit's presence was all it took to brighten his day...

"Tuan didn't I tell u not to use ur hand?" Frowned Kit..

"P'Kit i ain't using my hurt hand see" and he held up the hand holding the pencil..

Kit set the tray down and shook his head...he took both his nong's hands in his...making singto look at him with wide eyes..and kit let out a sigh...

"P'Kit wats wrong?"asks Singto searching his eyes, worried..

"Tuan, so sorry I freaked when I saw u bleeding..If I had been strong you wouldn't have fainted right...?"

"It's ok P'Kit..I would have freaked too if it had been you..I don't blame yourself."Singto said softly trying to soothe his P' s conscience..wat he didn't expect was the crushing hug and tears tat came after...

"Don't ever get hurt ever again Tuan...promise me..I can't take it." he cried..

"I promise P' he had whispered ...tears starting to flow at the feeling of so much love from his favorite person...

Singto had finished coloring the cherry blossom and had given it to his P'Kit, as his first gift of art to him..and Kit had always kept it in his room as a memory of a persom he treasured the most...

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