Ch-1 Memories under the cherry blossom tree..

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Two children, one tan and the other fair lie down under the cherry blossom tree by the lake...They came over to watch the sunset as they have been doing for the past five years since Kit's parents had adopted Singto..Singto, his name was the only link he had to his mother,it was she who had asked for him to be given that name...

Singto had been left at the orphanage when he was born..his mother had died due to child birth.. after tat he had grown up a quiet child with no hope or happiness until the day Dr.Rojnapat had asked him to be his son...

Singto had agreed and they had brought over the five year old and introduced him to their kids..

P'King was always the elder brother figure..not to be disobeyed or crossed..Kat was his cute baby nong whom he loved and played with to the ends of the world..

And P'Kit...wat he was to Singto was never clearly defined but he was his joy,his constant companion, his tutor and most of all the love of his life...
Singto adored P'Kit like he was his idol...they would sneak off to buy snacks by stealing grandma's money and then sit under the cherry tree to watch the sunset...

Singto loved to draw and always brought his colors to paint the sunset under the tree..

He never spoke of his love to P'Kit..but whenever he sat doing his sunset sketches he could always feel the eyes of the 16 year old on him...

Kit was in his age where romance enters ur life..yet he never seemed to be interested in any of the girls queuing up to be with him..he didn't even throw them a customary glance...

But under the cherry blossom tree, when he was with Singto in the silence of the evening, amidst the cool breeze, his thoughts wandered as he watched Singto paint..his eyes roamed over his beautiful tan features and he couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss those lovely plump lips...

One day he asked his mommy " Mae is it wrong for a boy to love another boy?"

Startled by the question, yet prepared to answer it, Nymm had sat down and explained to the 16 year old all about love and how gender doesn't matter...
Then Kit had told her.."Mae these days I get weird feelings when I look at one I abnormal to feel those things? "

Nymm hugged him and said " I would say you were abnormal only if u don't feel those things honey..ur a teenager so enjoy those feelings and before u go further think about safety " she said and winked..she was a gynecologist after all, so being frank about things was always her priority and she had passed on her love for biology onto her second son always encouraging him to ask questions and frankly answering them...

" Mae am not old enough for tat" protested kit but Nymm just laughed and walked away shaking her head..

From then kit had accepted his heart felt something for Singto and he was determined to confirm if the feeling was mutual...

So today as they sat under the cherry blossom tree,their favourite spot in his father's estate..he asked his SingTuan a very important question..

"Tuan.." he called using the nick name he had given the younger one..
"Hmmm, yes P'"
"What am I to you?"

Singto stopped his work..and looked up confused..he was just a 10 year old but he was more mature than his age as he went through a lot in his childhood..

"what do u mean by tat P'.." he asked with a confused expression trying to push up his oversized glasses...

" would u define our relationship?are we brothers,friends,close friends or faen"

He scrunched up his nose pretending to think..frowned and then asked, "wat does faen mean P'?"

"It means we are more closer than friends or brothers can ever be." Kit tried to explain but couldn't come up with a better suitable answer so he settled for tat...

Singto's face lit up and he said "Yes,P' you are that to me..more than friends,more than brothers..the one closest to me "and he grinned happily and hugged Kit...

"Tuan, if we are faen then u must kiss me everyday..tat s wat faen do u know " said Kit..he knew he was taking advantage of the little one's innocence, but couldn't care less..
He wanted his Tuan to be only his and love only him...

And the younger had obliged him with a peck on his cheek.."how about me??do I also get my chup from my faen P'kit ?"

And Kit bent down and kissed his Tuan's lips..another peck but a kiss just the same..and Singto smiled into the kiss..

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