Ch 43 What happened to Qin?

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Kong's tears were flowing freely by the time his Mae had finished telling him wat had happened..

"Mae, Dad never came to get me...why??" He asked..

"I don't know son..and I am scared to know the answer...the orphanage told me you were adopted but i couldn't get any other information from them as your adopted parents asked them to keep it confidential. I still need to find Jack Rojnapat. I plan to visit the university to get his contact..he may be able to answer some questions tat I have.."

"You don't need to go to the university Nā, I ll take you to meet him.." Arthit who was leaning on the wall listening to the story spoke up..

"You know him? Tat would be very helpful Dr." She said with relief..

"I am sorry, I haven't introduced myself properly..My name s Dr.Arthit Rojnapat and Dr.Jack Rojnapat s my father.. Singto was adopted by my parents when he was five, from the orphanage, but apart from that I don't know anything else about his father. I ll take you to meet Dad so you may get your answers Nā..but first pls have some dinner with us."

Kanya knew something was not right for Dr. Jack to adopt Singto, but not wanting to make the wrong conclusion she smiled at Arthit and agreed to have dinner..the three of them enjoyed the simple dinner tat Arthit had prepared. Kanya even complimented him on his cooking skills..

After they were done Arthit again had to leave Kong alone while he took his mom to meet Papa Jack.. He had changed his wet bandages and made him promise to rest till he was back..

While they were driving to his home Arthit told Kanya " Nā pls do not to mention the fact tat u met Singto could just tell my Dad tat ur enquiry of him at the college had led to me and so I brought you to meet him..I ll explain the reason for this when we are back at my home."

"Ok, son..I am curious why you want me to hide it. But as Singto trusts you I will too.."she said patting his hand..

They arrived at the mansion, Arthit had called his mother to inform tat he's bringing a guest, so both Jack and Nymm were expecting him..

When they entered the hall and Jack saw who the guest was he just stood shocked.."'re alive!!"he had tears in his eyes as he came forward and took her hands in his.."I am so glad you're alive..why didn't you come to meet us before? Weren't you curious?"

"I couldn't Dr.Jack. My family knew nothing of Qin or Singto..I couldn't tell them and risk putting my life in danger..In fact I never kept in touch with Qin shi too. My husband passed away two months ago and as he was the last heir to the line, I inherited all his assets. Now there s no one to harm me, if they do I have my will set up to donate all the properties to the poor." She laughed bitterly.

"Money gives you a certain power, but never happiness. In the last moments of my husband's life I confessed the truth of having Singto and he gave me his permission to bring him back and make him my heir. Even if he hadn't I would have come to look for him anyway. So I am here to find Qin and my son. Where s Qin shi, Jack? I want to meet him."Kanya asked.

Jack sighed and his shoulders slumped..he looked at Kanya with sad eyes.."It's a long story Kanya..come sit down" he gestured to the sofa.

He began to tell her wat had happened in a broken voice filled with pain, " 19 years ago, I got a call saying my fren had been in an accident and was critical...I rushed to the hospital to see that Qin was badly hurt. He had driven for 12 hours straight and in the strain had run his car off the road...He was found only after a while as it was a lonely spot on the highway.He had bled quite a lot and slipped into a coma. His body recovered slowly, but he was a vegetable to the rest of the world. I kept my hope tat he would recover one day and so kept him on life support.

Five years later he gained consciousness. I met him as soon he was awake and he told me all about you. He told me tat he had missed you tat day and had gone to see you. But when he reached your home the land lady had told him you had gone to the city. Knowing you would be looking for him he started back immediately not bothering to rest. His fatigue led him to make a mistake resultingin the accident. He then told me of ur child and the agreement u both had made about leaving him at my orphanage. He told me to go and bring Singto with me after adopting him.

I went to the orphanage.I looked for records of children who had been left there from the day to a month after he had met with the accident. Only Singto's name turned up. That, with the midwife's information on the admission papers, I confirmed tat he was ur son. I started preparing for his adoption by Qin hoping tat he would recover from his disabilities now tat Singto was there for him. But I made the mistake of telling him how the midwife had stated that you had died due to difficulties during childbirth.

After tat his health slowly slipped lower and a week before Singto was officially adopted he passed away. He hadn't even seen the boy's face, refusing when I offered to bring him to visit. He left me a letter saying tat I was not to reveal to Singto his true parentage as he might be troubled by your family and feel ashamed of parents who had left him unloved in this world..

I am sorry Kanya..I failed Qin shi..I adopted Singto, I had promised my fren to give him the best life but I failed in that too because of my family circumstances..he had to face so many struggles alone, never knowing the love of a parent.."Jack broke down as he apologized. Arthit had tears in his eyes seeing his Dad crying. He now knew how much his Dad had suffered on the inside by letting Singto go..

He sat beside him and hugged him." It's ok Papa..everything will be fine soon.." he whispered..

Nymm hugged Kanya and also apologized to her. Kanya grieved for Qin's loss blaming herself for it..If she had not come to Bangkok tat day both her baby and Qin would have had a different future. They would have been alive and known each other's love. Now Qin had passed away not knowing Singto and Singto had struggled not knowing who his parents were..

Fate had indeed played a cruel game with her...

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