Ch 56 Challenging the Heir

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Singto looked out of the window of the private jet with gloomy eyes...Kanya sat in the seat opposite him, watching her love sick son. She smiled to had only been two hours since they left and her son already looked like was she going to make him last the week?

Arthit had dropped them off in the airport..Singto touched his lips thinking of his lover..They had kissed passionately in the middle of the airport...he smiled shyly to himself thinking of the kiss..

A blush creeped up his neck.. Singto had initiated the kiss..which was wat made him even more embarrassed..he was not a person who would openly go for PDA, but this time the thought of being away from his love had made him impulsive..he had just grabbed Arthit's neck and smashed their lips together..

And after realizing wat he had done in the middle of atleast 500 spectators in the crowded airport, Singto had tried to pull back. But Arthit held onto his head locking him from any movement till he had his fill of the younger's lips..

Singto sighed again..

"Tats the 46th time you're sighing Singto. Had I known leaving him would be so painful for u, I would have invited him along too.."Kanya teased her son..

Singto mumbled something along the lines of he's too busy with work to come..

Kanya just shook her head smiling and pulled out her tab to go sit next to Singto..the remaining of the flight she distracted him by explaining about her properties and all the other assets..the companies, the people who were there and wat he could expect from them..she even gave him tips on wat to say and how to behave..Chinese etiquette was way more complicated than Thai..

Three and a half hours after they had boarded the flight, they were in a stretch limousine speeding towards Kanya's home. Infact they had an entire motorcade following them..

Singto was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the security that he had seen in the airport.. They had a special air strip with private entrance..Their own Z - level security... He felt like he was an important person just by the treatment he was receiving..but he was not comfortable with it..he liked being normal..with all this he felt suffocated..

"Mae, is this much security really needed? I am just a normal teen not a Prime Minister or something..isn't this a bit too much?"

"You're more important than the Prime Minister, Singto .Here in China wat the Suthiluk and Ruangroj say goes..Their word s equal to the law. So yes it's necessary..You had better get used to it while you're here, as this s how they're gonna treat you." She smiled, knowing exactly how he felt..


Singto looked around the boardroom...the huge table was surrounded by men, old and young, all eyeing him with critical curiosity..His mother sat at the head of the table cool and calm, as she listened to the annual report of all the companies being presented...

Once the presenter had finished,she turned around looking at her board members.."I think we have made good progress this year..if u have any suggestions or opinions on the report please feel free to voice them out."

There was a low murmur of voices as everyone agreed tat the yearly turn out was indeed good and nodded their heads..None voiced out anything negative.

Satisfied with their response Kanya stood up and cleared her throat..Silence fell around the table..

"I would like to introduce to you all the future nominated CEO and heir of R.S Enterprises..Singto Prachaya Ruangroj- the joint heir of the Suthiluk and Ruangroj properties under my name..."

There was a collective gasp around the table and a bundle of protests..All of them wanted to know how she had made him the heir, on wat basis,  who was he?..if Somwang had authorized this representative, many questions thrown at her all at once, she didn't know which one to address among all the chaos...

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