Ch 47 Internship..

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Arthit stood at the entrance of the first ever hospital built by his dad.. He had chosen this place for its history. To feel his dad's dream and hard work, the way his father had built it brick by brick. The structure was 25 years old, like him..His mom always told him how much effort his father had put into this, and once it was done the other branches just kept growing. It was a lucky mascot for them in a way.

He took a deep breath and walked in, at the reception he introduced himself as a new intern. The receptionist guided him to Dr. Sakda's room saying he would be allotted work from there.

Dr. Sakda, the Dean, was his dad's co worker from his hospital days. He was passionate about his work and had helped put this hospital where it was now, top most in quality service. Arthit had met him quite a few times during official gatherings. He looked quite strict and never smiled even in parties..He knocked on the door with the elder's name plaque, and went in when he heard a faint come in.

"Good morning Arthit..King had told me you will be coming today. I was happy to hear you chose this place for interning. So do you have any prefered department where you would like to start?" He greeted him with an expressionless face but his words sounded welcoming.

"Good morning Uncle. I am eager and lucky to learn under great Doctors like you who have made Rojnapat foundation such a huge name. I would like to start in paediatrics if it is possible. But I will be happy to follow your advice too if you suggest anyother speciality. " Arthit replied humbly bowing to the elder..he knew the man loved it when people gave him respect and spoke humbly..

Dr. Sakda's face crinkled in a slight smile at Arthit's deference. He looked at Arthit's file turning the pages, deep in thought..

"I ll let you start with your choice boy, as I ll be able to give you suggestions only when I see you work. You ll be shuffled to other departments too so it won't be a big deal. You ll get the whole experience. I expect you to give your full attention here, and don't expect any leniency for being the founder's son. My staff will treat you like just any other intern and any wrong move you make will be reported to me directly. You know I take work seriously and won't hold back from reprimanding when mistakes happen. I hate doctors who make mistakes, so make sure u don't make one. We deal with people's health and can't afford mistakes tat cost precious lives. Understood?" He said.

"Yes Uncle.I understand and I ll do my best" Arthit replied..

" and I expect my staff to call me Dr. Sakda when at work so you also should do so. I don't want anyone thinking I am favoring you."

" Yes Dr. Sakda." Arthit amended.

Then the elder signed a few papers and gave them to Arthit asking him to go to the H.R department with it, there he would be given his I.d card and then he would report to Dr. Earth in the Paediatrics dept.

Arthit nodded and received his papers, bowing and thanking the old man as he walked out of the room..

Phew! that was stressful, he thought as the door closed, he hoped he didn't have to meet the grumpy old man again soon. His stern demeanor was not doing him any good. He wished tat his mentor from paediatrics would be better and cheerful, or else his internship was going to be hell..

He got his I.d and coat from H.R and reported to his department. Dr. Earth was a kind looking woman who was always smiling. Arthit liked her attitude a lot. She welcomed him warmly saying she was happy that he chose paediatrics as many didn't pick it first. New interns were apprehensive of dealing with kids, she said.

" Since you picked here first, I know you ll be great with children. So welcome to the department. Your immediate senior will be P'Som, so if you have any questions you can ask her. She's on her rounds and will meet you once she's back. You'll be alternating between her and me. Learn as much as you can, but enjoy your work as kids can feel your mood." She said.

Arthit smiled and nodded. He liked the lady already and he looked forward to his work..

P'Som was another happy woman, she was a funny person and made all the kids laugh and smile as she did her duty. They loved her and eagerly awaited her visits. Arthit introduced himself and immediately felt like he had been her friend for ages. She gave him her schedule and told him tat he would be following her around when P'Earth didn't need him. He nodded jotting down her schedule.

Meanwhile the other seniors....

Tew, Knot, Bright and Prem at the other hospitals were also choosing their department for the first level of internship.. Knot picked orthopedics, while Tew went for Obstetrics and Gynecology. Bright went for nephrology, while Prem chose cardiology. All these were tough for a first step but they picked them knowing tat they were likely departments for finding clues.

Each one had switched their I.d's after getting them from the H.R. The official I.d only gave them limited access, but the ones P'King had provided gave them access to all places in the hospital. They needed to be careful not to let anyone find tat out. They would start observing from their department trying to make friends and sound out the other workers to see if they could find any clue.

It was a tough job and they had a vast workforce to cover. Arthit just hoped they could do it in time..he prayed they could save the foundation and those who trusted it...


Another short update , I am just using my idea of how internships work and if there are any mistakes kindly ignore them for the sake of the story..

So who do you think will be the one to find the clue first??

Wat do you think of Dr. Sakda?

Will they make it on time to avoid any mishaps?

Do share ur views on wat u think will happen..

Once again thank u for reading ❤❤

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